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a/n; such cuties

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a/n; such cuties. i cri for my vkook feels.

"so, your place or mine?"

taehyung asked as he leaned down closer to jungkook's ear, hugging the latter from behind. shocked, jungkook halted from placing his used books inside his locker and tried to detach himself from the older's grasp.

of course, being the stronger one, taehyung managed to trap jungkook against the lockers using both of his hands causing the younger's cheeks to warm up for the two males were merely inches apart. the raven-haired boy lowered his head in order to hide the evident blush on his cheeks whilst taehyung just chuckled at his cute reaction.


"infires, motherfuckers!"

yoongi suddenly exclaimed from behind, interrupting the conversation of the two male students. taehyung rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue at the sound of his hyung's annoying voice before letting jungkook go.

"oops, did we interrupt something?" jimin asked teasingly whilst wriggling his eyebrows, giving taehyung the 'i-see-what-you-did-there' look. taehyung only gave the shorter a cold glare in return before walking away.

"yah! we still have tutor sessions!" hoseok yelled as he slipped his arm into taehyung's with a pout decorating his horse-like face. jungkook only stared at the two with a glint of jealousy in his eyes before shutting his locker harshly, startling the other boys.

"yah! kookie, is everything alright?" hoseok asked in a fake worried tone, blinking his eyes thrice as he tightened his grasp on taehyung's arm. jungkook decided not to answer his hyung and proceeded outside the campus, following the yoonmin couple.

a smirk made it's way to hoseok's lips knowing that he succeeded on getting under the younger's skin. but that smirk slowly fell when taehyung shook his arm off him and left him alone.

"just you wait, jungcock. kim taehyung will be mine."

"why does it have to be my house?" jungkook whined like a child as the five of them arrived in front of the gate of his humble abode. jimin only chortled in response — his eyes turning into crescents as he pat the younger's back in comfort. "sorry, kook. next time it's my turn."

knock! knock! [*cue monsta x*]

the door to jungkook's home slowly opened revealing a girl of the age twenties and up with an undeniably gorgeous face and a body filled with curves at the right places, making yoongi and taehyung drool all-over her existence. jimin noticed yoongi eyeing the older girl in front of them from head to toe causing him to slap his boyfriend's arm out of jealousy. yoongi only mouthed a quick 'sorry' to his baby boy before smiling sheepishly.

"annyeong, i'm jeon junghee, jungkook's noona. it's nice to meet all of you." junghee-noona greeted and smiled kindly at the boys before letting them enter inside. she made sure to send a quick wink to hoseok before scurrying away to fetch some drinks and snacks for his younger brother's guests.

"wow, kookie. you're sister is such a fucking hottie." yoongi said with a whistle as taehyung agreed without any questions, giving each other high-fives. jimin and jungkook only frowned at yoongi's statement and glared at the two.

"don't talk about my sister like that while i'm here!"

"yeah whatever. but did you see her wink at hoseok? dude, i think kook's sister got her hots for you!"

"omg, like ew! bitch, i'm obviously prettier and sexier than that shrimp." hoseok exclaimed dramatically as he rolled his eyes — his grin instantly turning into a grimace filled with disgust. the other boys only laughed at his ambitious remark.

however, their laughter quickly died down when kookie's noona came back with the food and bid goodbye, informing the boys that she was going to the convenience store. she gave another flirtatious wink to hoseok before proceeding outside the house.

jungkook face-palmed himself, embarrassed for her older sister's actions while the others just laughed, teasing hoseok and highkey shipping him with junghee-noona except for taehyung who's eyes are focused on jungkook. the younger noticed his intense gaze and felt his cheeks instantly warm up when taehyung sent a wink to his direction making jungkook bury his face into his hands even more.

"okay, that's enough fun! let's start studying now." jimin said, earning multiple groans and whines from the two failing students and even his daddy, yoongi. jungkook only sighed at the thought of more work after-school and lazily dragged the books, notes and his laptop needed from his school backpack whilst yoongi positioned himself on the unoccupied couch to sleep as he waits for his boyfriend, jimin to finish the tutoring session.

chapter dedicated to; MinSasa

finally an update! a filler chapter here. sorry if it's boring.

btw. smut coming for the next chapter so better buckle down ur seat-belts and quench ur thirst. (;



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