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a/n; unedited bc im too lazy lmao

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a/n; unedited bc im too lazy lmao.

glorious rays of the beaming sun peeked through the small gap of the curtained windows and dawned upon jungkook's peaceful sleeping figure. blinded by the obnoxious light, jungkook covered his entire body with his cream-colored duvet and resumed with his slumber. that was, until the harsh blaring sound of the alarm clock startled the drowsy boy, signifying that it was now time to wake up.

jungkook groaned in annoyance as he sluggishly placed his hand on top of the said clock to silence the damned device. opening one of his eyes, the young boy caught a glimpse of the time which read 7:34AM, just half an hour before his first class begins. an ungodly curse slipped out of jungkook's lips as he hurried made his way to the bathroom to do his usual morning routine.

"yah! jeon jungkook!"

junghee yelled from the other side and repeatedly banged the wooden door. upon hearing her voice, an annoyed expression painted upon jungkook's face as he exited from the bathroom with merely a towel covering his lower private region. he walked towards the door and opened it revealing his impatient older sister with hands crossed against her chest.

"what do you want so early in the morning?" jungkook asked with a subtle amount of irritation in his voice.

"nothing! just wanted to check if you're already awake because if not, you're gonna be late for school." junghee beamed at him, a silly grin etched on her lips. jungkook only gazed at her suspiciously from head to toe and noticed her wearing a neatly-ironed formal attire.

"why are you unusually chirpy today and why are you dressed like you have a job when you're unemployed for over two years?"

jungkook's question made junghee's temper rose to the highest level and blood boil, resulting to a fatal kick on his butt.

"this jerk! stop roasting your sister and cover those hickies if you don't want mom or anybody else to see them!"

junghee retorted before she stomped away from his sight.

"aish! this damned woman." jungkook hissed and closed to door harshly. "way to ruin my morning."

jungkook dashed like a mad man across the streets after being stuck in a heavy bumper-to-bumper traffic for almost an hour. he couldn't wait any longer for if he did, he was going to miss his classes. so the young boy decided to run for it even though the school was still a long distance away from his current location.

after what it seemed like forever, jungkook finally arrived at his destination. he was panting like crazy, chest heaving up and down for great amounts of air due to the exhaustion his intense running has caused him. jungkook scanned his surroundings and to his dismay, the gates were already closed and a security guard was unfortunately guarding the tall height of metallic bars.

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