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a/n; cuteness overload to daddy af real quick

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a/n; cuteness overload to daddy af real quick.

warning; semi-smut chapter right here. [unedited] enjoy (;

"you must be kidding me."

[cue kookie in bapsae]

as if on cue, jungkook's thick eyebrows instantly knitted together and his eyes opened wide at the sound of junghee's ridiculous offer. his jaw literally dropped on the floor as he was taken aback of what his older sister was telling him to do.

truly and utterly unbelievable.

how in the world would he able to set her up with hoseok if he was totally gay for taehyung?

jungkook only looked at his older sister with an expression of disbelief. he couldn't fathom the exact reason of why in the world would junghee want to date someone like hoseok. of all the billion decent guys scattered around the world, why him?

"are you serious? you're not making fun of me, are you?" jungkook asked with a hint of dubiousness in his eyes.

"i'm dead serious."

junghee's determined eyes made contact with her younger brother and the two siblings held gazes for a while. that was, before jungkook cut off their intense stare contest and let out an exasperated sigh.

"you do know that he's gay, right?"

"wait, what?"

now, it was junghee's turn to return the look of shock to her younger brother. jungkook could only face-palm himself for her ignorance.

"well, i don't care. i'm gonna make that boi straight as a line, alright."

junghee said in a sassy manner and flipped her hair whilst jungkook shook his head in dismay.

"i guess i have no other choice but to comply." jungkook said, raising both of his hands up in defeat.

"so, do i get myself a deal?"
junghee said, offering her right hand for a shake.


feeling the victory, junghee began running around and jumping in joy because her younger brother finally agreed to her offer.

"you're the best! i promise not to tell a single soul. you and your daddy's secret is safe with me." junghee reassured jungkook with a wink before scurrying her way upstairs and to her room.

"get some sleep! daddy will punish you if you get past your sleeping time." she teased the latter before closing her door.

jungkook felt his cheeks warm up at his older sister's remark but he decided to brush it off cooly by letting out a sigh. this time in relief because junghee already gave her word of keeping his secret from being exposed to their parents. he shook his head again and proceeded to his room to take a quick shower.

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