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a/n; omfg this gif is so cute

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a/n; omfg this gif is so cute.

"mhm! this tastes amazing."

jimin exclaimed in pure delight as he let the scrumptious meaty flavor invade his whole mouth with the salty, sweet and spicy clashing for victory within the taste buds of his tongue. moaning in satisfaction, the orange-headed lad took another chunky bite before grabbing a soda and drinking it on his own.

"not as amazing as my dick."

yoongi's vulgar remark took jimin by surprise causing him to choke on his drink and accidentally spit the yucky particles unto hoseok's face, who was unfortunately seated in front of him.

"oh my gawd! shit! dirry water! don't touch my faceu!"

hoseok jumped from his seat and cried out in disgust, wiping himself with a tissue that jimin offered in apology.

"excuse me! i'm really sorry. i didn't mean to-"

"why the hell do you always spit on me on every freaking fanfic?"

"jisoos. calm the fuck down, hoseok." yoongi retorted in a sassy manner before pulling jimin to sit down on his lap.

hoseok glared at the cuddly couple for the last time and decided to blast off to the bathroom in order to wash and clean himself properly.

meanwhile, jungkook was still currently getting his food from the counter which consisted of the usual spicy ramen and banana juice drink. he was on his way to the yoonmin table when hoseok accidentally bumped onto him, making the younger stumble on his tracks and toppling his beloved ramen over the floor.

however, instead of apologizing, hoseok snickered at jungkook and grumbled a matter of colorful words before leaving the poor boy on his own. taehyung, who was already on the yoonmin table, noticed this and immediately proceeded to jungkook's care.

"hey baby, you alright?" taehyung asked the younger in concern and crouched down, pulling jungkook back to his feet.

hearing the word "baby" from his crush sent butterflies flying inside jungkook's tummy so instead of answering taehyung's question, he hung his head low in struggle to cover his blushing red face from the older's view.

when jungkook did this, taehyung's eyebrows furrowed and he frowned even more, thinking that the younger was really hurt from the fall. using his thumb, taehyung lifted jungkook's chin and inspected his flushed face, his eyes filled with worry and concern for the younger.

"do you want to go to the nurse?"

"a-ani! i'm fine..."

jungkook felt lost and mesmerized as he stared back deeply into taehyung's dark brown and beautiful eyes. noticing their small distance, jungkook quickly detached himself from the older and straightened out his uniform.

"let's go, i'll buy you new lunch."

"taehyung, there's no need to-"

"shh baby, i insist."

with that, jungkook blushed and sighed in defeat, following taehyung from behind as the older bought him his new lunch.

lunch break passed by quickly like cars speeding up on a race and at last, school was finally over which meant–


taehyung and hoseok yelled in unison, their loud voices transcending over the chatters and bickering of the other students.

"not so fast, misters." mr. kim [seokjin] contradicted.

"the five of you, into the faculty, now."

the five of them lined up in front of mr. kim [seokjin] who was staring down the recorded scores of the failing students. alas, mr. kim was finished scanning and faced the five of them with a stern face.

"well, i see all of you failed and mark almost passed with 74 but y'all know that 'almost' is never enough. so, i decided to offer you guys a little help in order to pass the retest and make your cards more appealing to your parents' eyes and to college, of course."

mr. kim [seokjin] averted his gaze from the boys and cleared his throat when he saw several heads peeking from the door.

"boys, come in."

the door slowly opened revealing the smarty pants squad which included im jaebum, park jinyoung, park jimin and jeon jungkook.

the rascal of boys felt surprised seeing the smarty squad in front of them so they averted their gazes except from taehyung who was staring intently at the nervous jungkook with a small smirk plastered on his handsome face.

"okay, so maybe all of you already caught my drift. yes, these intelligent boys will be tutoring you from now on."

"you will be divided into two groups. the first group includes jaebum and jinyoung as tutors and the both of them will be tutoring jackson, mark and yugyeom. the second group consists of taehyung and hoseok being tutored by jimin and jungkook."

the small smirk on taehyung's face grew into a visible wide grin at the sound of him being in the same group as his love, jeon jungkook. his imagination began to run wild, thinking of all the possibilities of what could happen to the both of them if jungkook was his tutor but his fantasies were interrupted when mr. kim [seokjin] slammed his hands on his table.

"taehyung, why are you grinning like a fool?"

"nothing, ma'am- i mean sir."

mr. kim [seokjin] gave taehyung a glare before clearing his throat.

"tutoring sessions will last until the end of the school year. you will tutor these rascals every after school. you can do it in your houses, the library or wherever but you have to inform me first, are we clear?"

all of the males looked unto each other before replying "yes, sir," in unison.

with that, mr. kim [seokjin] dismissed all of them and continued his previous work.

"looks like you'll be tutoring me, baby." taehyung whispered unto jungkook's ear, draping his arm around the younger.

"yah! taehyung don't forget me!" hoseok whined and pushed jungkook away, clinging his arms into taehyung's.

'well this is going to be interesting.' jimin thought.

chapter dedicated to; trashjar

finally an update!

thank you so much for 700+ reads. i feel so happy. ily guys.

please comment a lot. i love reading comments so...

im so done with bangtan.



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