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a/n; taehyung be thirstae

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a/n; taehyung be thirstae. (;

warning; this chapter will contain the part one of the smut scene. if you are not comfortable or you're too young for this shit then i advice you to zayn away and read other normal fanfics. i don't want to ruin your innocence so don't blame me if anything goes wrong.


"you write smut...?" taehyung asked with his eyes widened and lips parted in aghast. he couldn't believe that the jeon jungkook whom he previously thought as the most innocent person in school turned out to be a writer of sexually-involved stories.

and not just any kind of weird kinky shits, but a smut about kim taehyung — about him as jungkook's beloved daddy.

meanwhile, jungkook felt his stomach tie in knots.

he was petrified that taehyung would be disgusted of him as a person, that he would think indifferently about him and that taehyung might possibly hate him for a very long time — or even forever.

however, instead of a repulsive grimace like what jungkook had expected, taehyung's parted lips slowly formed into a smug smirk as he took a step closer to the younger.

jungkook stepped backwards in reflex until he felt his spine collide against the cold hard wall. the younger shut his eyes tightly and cowered in fear when taehyung raised his right hand, afraid that the older might hit him for what he has done.

"taehyung! i'm so sorry! please don't hurt me." jungkook pleaded to the older with eyes slightly tearing up.

taehyung's smirk widened as his vision darkened at the sight of jungkook begging for mercy. with that, he slowly swung his right hand towards jungkook whilst the latter shut his eyes tightly, waiting for taehyung's hand to smash his godly face.

but instead of hitting jungkook, taehyung's slender fingers came in contact with the younger's cheeks, tracing the smoothness of the his milky white skin and eventually reaching his quivering luscious lips. the older leaned closer and whispered something to the latter.

"daddy needs to punish the naughty ones. don't you think so?"

jungkook was taken aback with taehyung's words as he felt a shiver ran down to his spine. he slowly fluttered his eyes open only to find the older gazing intensely at his lips with his eyes filled with lust. before jungkook could even utter a word, taehyung's chapped lips smashed against his as the older pulled him into a hungry and sensual kiss.

stunned, jungkook only stood stiffly with his eyes wide open as the tight grasp within his beloved laptop loosened, making the device fall onto the ground. not giving a single fuck about his precious laptop, the younger eventually returned taehyung's sudden kiss but with much more passion and desire.

being kissed by his crush, kim taehyung, seemed so surreal for jungkook had only written this kind of scenes within his books. but now, it was finally happening.

this was truly a dream come true for the latter.

taehyung roughly pulled jungkook's body closer to his own as his free hand made it's way to squeeze the younger's peachy butt. jungkook moaned loudly at the foreign pleasure that he was feeling, giving taehyung the chance to slip his tongue inside the younger's warm cavern.

jungkook's mind automatically shut down when taehyung moved his tongue inside, exploring every corner of the younger's heavenly mouth. their heads swiveled from left to right as their bodies rubbed with each other as if dancing to each other's rhythm.

the two males sloppily fought each other using their tongues for dominance in which jungkook had miraculously won, making taehyung furrow his brows in anger.

jungkook grabbed a bundle of taehyung's soft brown hair when the older bit his bottom lip harshly for revenge, drawing droplets of blood from the plump flesh. taehyung finished the kiss by licking the younger's blood off his lips, letting the metallic taste of red liquid melt within his warm mouth.

afterwards, taehyung proceeded to trace jungkook's jawline with his tongue grazing at the very prominent line until he reached the younger's neck. he ripped both his and jungkook's crinkled polo uniforms and began to nip and suck the latter's milky white skin, slowly filling them with pink bruises that were sure to darken later.

jungkook could only let out mewls and moans at the moment as the heat between their half-naked bodies pressed together and clothed erections doesn't seem to help him calm his raging hormones at all.

taehyung explored jungkook's chest until his warm mouth found and wrapped the younger's right nipple, sloppily sucking and nibbling the perky bud whilst his free hand pinched the other. jungkook let out a squeal when the older bit the bud, causing the older to stop and look at the latter with concern.

"does it hurt when i do that, baby?"

jungkook slowly nodded with tears forming within the brim his innocent eyes.

"well, it's about to hurt more."

taehyung proceeded to continue his unfinished work and did the same drill to jungkook's left bud. his slender fingers hooked within the younger's waistband, slowly tugging them down along with his school pants as he left series of wet trailing kisses from the latter's abdomen and down to his happy trail.

"daddy! no! please, don't touch it! it's embarrassing." jungkook exclaimed coyly as he covered his blushing red face with his hands.

"you write a+ very detailed smuts about me fucking you senseless and yet when it comes to the actual scene, you're embarrassed? how cute." taehyung replied before ignoring more of the younger's complaints and continuing his delayed task.

finally, the hindrance of clothing was brought down and removed, revealing jungkook's thick cucumber shyly hanging in the air. taehyung smirked at the sight of the younger's cute dick before he started massaging jungkook's shaft using his bare hands, feeling the soft and squishy material harden like a rock within his big palm.

"shit, did you just got bigger?" taehyung asked playfully with his infamous box grin as he began to pump jungkook's dick in a fast pace, flicking his wrist hard in the process.

"i didn't! ah! daddy! something's coming out!"

before jungkook was able to release his trail of white fluids, taehyung quickly removed his hand from the younger's dick, earning a groan and pout from the latter.

"punishment. remember?"

"but daddy, i was about to—"

"shush, how about we spice things up?"


tbh, this chapter sucks big time bc i'm so depressed about not being able to get a ticket for bangtan's concert. been crying for 5 hrs. :(

no ticket + no concert + no jimin = very sad lyfeu.

if you are selling GEN AD, UPPER OR LOWER BOX or if you know someone then please dm me. my twt is @amsterdhan PLEASE HELP.


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