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a/n; save me save me

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a/n; save me save me. i need your love before i fall, fall.

"so the answer for this will be 1/8x - 1/32sin (4x) plus—"

taehyung groaned loudly as he gripped a bundle of his hair out of frustration, earning a sigh from his tutor. he didn't fully understand what jungkook was trying to teach for the older lad was too busy staring at the younger's facial features, particularly his dark brown eyes and pinkish lips that looked so kissable at the moment. the combination of numbers, letters and words that was laid before him didn't seem to help at all as his mind immediately shut down at the thought of dealing with some serious calculus problems and shit.

"how about we take a break?" jimin suggested before closing his studying materials and stretching his arms out. hoseok nodded in agreement and collapsed on the couch, shutting his tired eyes for a while.

"yah, kookie! try answering this." taehyung chirped at jungkook, a sly smirk forming within his lips.

"what is something that is long, hard, thick and has 'cum' on it?"

jungkook's eyes widened a bit as he was taken aback with the sudden question. he paused for a while, pressing his mouth into a thin line before hesitantly uttering his answer.

"umm... a cucumber?"

*insert cricket sounds*

the moment of silence was interrupted when jimin suddenly snorted followed by series of booming laughter erupting from taehyung and hoseok.

yoongi woke up from his catnap and gave the maknae a 'really nigga?' look before going back to sleep.

"w-what's wrong? why are you guys laughing?" jungkook asked the others innocently, blinking thrice.

taehyung paused for a moment to calm his retarded self and spoke.

"you really don't get it, do you?"

"jisoos fucking cries! you're too innocent for this world. how do you even survive?" hoseok exclaimed as he wiped some tears that formed within his eyes.

"let it pass. jungkook's still a fetus after all." jimin defended and patted the younger's back whilst trying to hold back his laughter.

"but i thought it was only a joke..." jungkook muttered under his breath with voice almost inaudible.

"should we teach him?"

taehyung suggested smugly, earning dirty smirks from jimin and hoseok.

the three males made eye-contacts with each other before agreeing to do something special later on.

"maybe next time."

"daddy, wake up."

jimin said as he gently shook yoongi's sleeping body in order to wake him up from his deep slumber. the sleeping male only groaned in response before slowly sitting himself on the couch and rubbing his eyes.

"what time is it?" yoongi asked groggily with his unusual sultry voice.

"it's already 7:13 pm. we need to go home." jimin replied to the older whilst fixing his things.

"it's finally over!" hoseok cried out with a yawn and stretched his arms out whilst taehyung just sighed loudly before making his way to the bathroom to comfort himself.

once everyone has already packed up [except for taehyung who's still doing his business in the bathroom], yoonmin and hoseok thanked and bid goodbye to jungkook before proceeding outside his house.

"but what about taehyung? i wanna go home with him!" hoseok whined like a spoiled child to the yoonmin couple.

"i'm sure he can handle himself." jimin said with a small smile, reassuring his older friend.

"give them some time, you horse brat." yoongi remarked coldly as he wrapped his arm around jimin's fit waist.

hoseok only returned a 'hmph!' to the couple before crossing his arms with a pout and stomping away, leaving the two.

"kookie, where did they go?" taehyung asked curiously as soon as he got out of the toilet.

"they left already." jungkook replied nonchalantly, immersing himself with his phone as he played his favorite game called 'piano tiles two.'

'fucking traitors.' taehyung thought whilst clicking his tongue.

"where are you going?" taehyung asked jungkook when he noticed the younger left the couch with his phone on his grip.


taehyung only nodded in response before carelessly shoving his books and notes inside his school backpack. while doing this, he accidentally knocked over jungkook's precious laptop, making the object collide with the cold hard ground.

"oh man, holy shit."

taehyung murmured silently and quickly picked the laptop to check for some serious or minor damages. luckily, there was only a barely noticeable scratch on the side of the cover, allowing the older to sigh in relief.

taehyung carefully placed jungkook's laptop on the coffee table and resumed with his unfinished task. however, a gif of two unknown people — no, two boys — shirtless boys gently making out and grinding their clothed erection against each other caught taehyung's attention.

[gif removed for safety reasons. i don't want this book to be reported so i beg your pardon for any inconveniences i've caused.]

out of curiosity, taehyung hesitantly scanned over jungkook's laptop, checking all the contents of his wattpad account '@juancock-' including his stories, conversations, reading lists and library. his eyebrows instantly furrowed at the sight as he felt himself tighten down in his pants.

kim taehyung was flabbergasted.

he was utterly shocked with what he just read and saw. he couldn't take all of it.

there in jungkook's wattpad account was series of stories and imagines of him and jungkook doing the 'frickle-frackle' in a very detailed, intense and rough manner. not to mention all the bdsm kinks and how jungkook eagerly addresses him by the name 'daddy.'

"what are you doing?"

taehyung's ears perked up and his eyes widened at the sound of jungkook's voice. jungkook, getting the idea of what just occurred, quickly retrieved his laptop from the older's grasp and held it carefully within his arms.

"taehyung, i can explain. it's not what it looks like! i—"

"you write smut...?"

chapter dedicated to; imsteffielim

what have i done? pls forgive me.

to those readers who i made very uncomfortable, i beg your pardon.

pls don't report this book. is2g.

smut on the next chapter. [for sure!]



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