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a/n: idk, i'm just gonna leave that here

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a/n: idk, i'm just gonna leave that here.

*screams* smuuuut!!!

"daddy, what's taking you so long?"

jungkook asked like an innocent child waiting for his daddy to finish his business. his lips slowly turned into a pout for he was getting more and more impatient as the clock continued to tick by each second that passes. he saw taehyung's figure shuffle around the small living room, searching for his black backpack that he was carrying just a moment ago before entering the younger's humble abode.

"patience, baby." taehyung responded calmly.

finally, the older male was able to get a hold of the missing bag behind the white couch that jungkook was in. he rummaged through his disorderly belongings and pulled out a small bottle of pink lubricant from inside.

jungkook's eyes widened and his lips parted into a gasp at the sight of the sex material.

"w-why do you a lube inside your bag?"

taehyung glanced at the younger's direction and shrugged.

"you know, just in case." he replied smugly with a wink.

a smirk graces its way to taehyung's lips as he twisted the lid of the small bottle open and poured his desired amount of pink gooey substance onto his palm. he wrapped his hand around his huge dick and began to pump his length slowly, covering the whole material with the strawberry-scented lube he bought just yesterday.

after taehyung was finished with his task, he positioned himself between jungkook's fully spread legs and aligned his manhood in the rear of the younger's peachy ass. he placed both of his hands on jungkook's knees, letting the balls of his hands rest firmly on top of the said body part. his lustful eyes grazed the younger's bare body, taking in every small detail on his sight before drifting to meet jungkook's dark orbs.

"i'm putting it in."

jungkook gulped and nodded nervously in response.

taehyung snaked his arm at the back of the younger's fit waist for something to hold on and slowly entered himself inside jungkook's tight hole, feeling his dick being engulfed by the latter's insides for he just fitted perfectly.

"ah! daddy, it hurts!"

jungkook moaned and groaned in both pleasure and pain. tears welled from the younger's lustful eyes as he bashfully wrapped his arms around taehyung's neck, holding on his daddy for his dear life.

seeing his baby boy on this state, taehyung's hard gaze softened for he felt a bit sorry to what he was doing to jungkook.

"baby? are you okay? don't worry, it'll feel good soon."

taehyung said in comfort as his free hand gently caressed jungkook's raven hair and wiped his tears away from his puffy cheeks. afterwards, he pressed his lips softly against jungkook's plump ones which had taken the younger aback but eventually returned the kiss with much more passion and roughness. their heads swiveled from side to side as  their tongues sloppily fought with each other.

after what it seemed like minutes, jungkook finally pulled away from taehyung when he felt himself adjust to his large size.

"daddy, please move." the younger pleaded.

"with pleasure." taehyung responded to his baby boy's wish and began to slowly move to and fro inside jungkook's tight hole. he let out moans of pure ecstasy when he felt his cock being clenched around the latter's insides with every thrust he made.

"fuck baby! why are you so tight?"

taehyung exclaimed breathlessly as he continued to thrust inside jungkook with full force, hitting his prostate countless of times which almost sent the younger over the edge. jungkook arched his back and let out countless of mewls and moans of pure bliss with his nails digging and gripping the older's bare skin.

"more! faster! daddy! ah!"

jungkook cried out, begging for his daddy to fasten each thrust that he made. taehyung willingly complied to the younger's plead and began to bang jungkook wildly in an almost animalistic pace, letting the latter get a taste of cloud nine with each moans that he releases. jungkook unconsciously moved his hips along with taehyung, feeling his dick rub against the older's formed abdomen whilst trying to match his daddy's fast rhythm.

jungkook felt his mind go blank. he couldn't think properly anymore as his head was filled with thoughts and images of taehyung shoving his huge dick inside his large ass. taehyung brought the younger's legs above his shoulders for more access and pounded aggressively inside jungkook.

soon, the small room was filled with breathy moans, groans and the sound of skin slapping together as the both continued to fuck each other endlessly on the white couch. taehyung noticed that jungkook was yearning for more pleasure and so, he decided to wrap his palm around jungkook's length and began to pump his base from a painfully slow to fast pace, completely teasing the younger.

"holy shit! daddy! that feels so good!"

jungkook responded to the older's gesture with a very loud moan, calling his name countless of times with every erotic sound he made. this boosted taehyung's confidence as he pounded his dick more roughly inside jungkook's pink stretched hole.

"daddy! please i'm cumming!" jungkook informed his daddy when he felt himself nearing his climax.

"no, let's cum together." taehyung growled with his eyebrows furrowed and tightened his grip around jungkook's cock, preventing the younger from spurting his seeds before him.

finally, when taehyung felt his dick twitch inside jungkook's heavenly hole, the creaking sound of the door opening was heard causing both males to refrain themselves from fucking each other with full force. jungkook's face was decorated with a panic expression when he saw his older sister, junghee, standing besides the doorframe with her phone on her hands and a big grin etched across her face.

"oh my god. don't mind me. please continue."

oh god, i suck at writing smut. please forgive me.


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