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a/n; 404 error. chill not found. staph messing with my kokoro.

warning; a bit steamy chapter right here.


"fuck! baby boy, that feels so good!"

taehyung moaned loudly in pure ecstasy and leaned his head back as jungkook bobbed his, taking the older's full length inside his mouth without hesitation. jungkook gagged slightly as he felt taehyung's member hit the back of his throat and yet he didn't stop sucking the older off for the pleasure he was feeling was above cloud nine.

taehyung was so fucking delicious.

soon after, jungkook found taehyung's tip and began to repeatedly lick his slit, lapping all of his sticky precum. his warm tongue expertly swirled and coiled around the older's manhood causing taehyung to moan his name and grab a bundle of the younger's hair, tugging and pushing his head deeper.

"holy shit! faster! ah! you're so good at this."

jungkook smirked at taehyung's eagerness and erotic state and decided to wrap his cold hand around the older's base, quickly pumping it up and down whilst sucking on taehyung like a melting popsicle stick. taehyung groaned a countless of times when jungkook started to play with his balls as if it was his newly found toy.

"do you like it when i do this, daddy?"

"i love it, baby boy. i fucking love it!"

a few more suck and licks, taehyung felt himself shake and twitch inside the jungkook's heavenly mouth.

"baby boy, i'm cumming!"

taehyung announced when he felt himself nearing his climax. he held jungkook's head in place and afterwards, released his seeds inside with some of the sticky white fluid overflowing from the younger's mouth.

smiling in satisfaction, taehyung pulled jungkook into a–

"kookie, what are you doing?"

the sound of taehyung's words caught jungkook in surprise causing him to jolt from his seat and refrain himself from typing.

"are you watching porn?"

jungkook's eyes widened as his face instantly heat up at the sound of the vulgar word that's close to what he was currently doing. he shook his head vigorously in response, trying to deny the fact that he was doing something that is related to the word 'porn.'

"i'm not!"

"oh really? then, let me see."

before taehyung could even see a glimpse of his classmate's laptop, jungkook immediately closed the device and buried it inside his bag. taehyung raised his brow at the younger's suspicious actions but decided to shrug it off because he thought that jungkook probably just needed some privacy and being the nice guy he was, taehyung was going to respect that at least.

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