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a/n; double update yehet!

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a/n; double update yehet!

"i-i have something to tell you..."

taehyung started off and paused, unsure of what he was going to say next. his thoughts were just scattered all over the place and his palms were beginning to feel clammy because of the intense nervousness he was feeling.

taehyung was never like this. he always had that relaxed bad boy image which everybody knew and admired. but at this moment, it was as if he doesn't even know anything about his own self. it was as if another soul had trespassed his body and altered his composed and dominant character into a soft and expressive one. he just felt like a different person but that was the least thing he should be worrying for now. what the older was supposed to focus at should be the very person in front of him who took his heart away.

'well, here goes nothing...'

taehyung gulped and tried to calm himself by inhaling and exhaling oxygen. he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before continuing with his words.

"f-from the moment i saw you, i knew you were the one. no kidding, i-uh, i just got this feeling that you were the one i've been waiting for and we were definitely meant for each other."

taehyung cleared his throat to prevent his voice from getting shaky.

"you were just so breathtakingly beautiful and innocent in my eyes and maybe that's why my heart keeps on fluttering everytime i see you or whenever i'm around with you."

"gosh, i sound like a highschool girl." he added, earning an adorable chuckle from jungkook.

"well, what i'm trying to is that, you're perfect just the way you are and i'm glad to be able to talk to you like this. but, i'm afraid that i will just ruin you up because i'm such a fucking mess. unlike you, i'm a repeater; i don't have the brains, i'm not that rich and not that handsome either. in short, i'm nothing compared to you."

at this point, taehyung was trying to hold back the tears that were in the verge of falling down from his brown eyes. he could feel his heart hammering against his chest as if it was about to explode from all the cheesiness he's been spouting out ever since. it was his first time being vocal and expressing what he actually feels and think which took him aback because he was never this open to anyone before.

indeed, jungkook was the sole reason why he kept on feeling and doing things he never did.

taehyung took both of jungkook's hands and intertwined his long fingers within his before looking directly unto his dark somber eyes. jungkook stared back at his brown orbs and he could feel the overflowing passion and sincerity the latter's eyes was trying to converse. with a hand on his chest, taehyung decided to let everything out and tell the person in front of him the very truth.

"i really really like you. no scratch that—
i love you, jeon jungkook."

"i don't deserve you at all and i clearly know that. but if you're willing to accept me as i am or at least give me a chance to prove myself once more to you, then will you please—"

"ah fuck! how do i say this?" he exclaimed out of a sudden, making jungkook burst into fits of giggles because of his unexpected cuteness. this side of kim taehyung was absolutely rare because he always had this loud and carefree aura going on the outside. jungkook was just glad to see the nervous and blushing-mess taehyung that was in front of him right now.

"so, as i was saying, will you please be my—"

just as taehyung was about to ask the most awaited question, voices and footsteps were heard from the other side of the door. afraid that they might get found, taehyung dragged jungkook and shoved both of themselves inside the tall locker wherein the cleaning materials were kept.

"hyung, what are you do—" the older put his finger against jungkook's lips to shush the younger. "be quiet."

moments after, they heard the doorknob being twisted open and two seemingly familiar figures entered the room.

"daddy, stop it. we can't do it here!"

"i know, princess but i just can't help myself whenever i see that delicious booty of yours. besides, classes already ended so we're basically free to do whatever we want."

"but daddy! you still have detention with your students."

"nonesense! i bet they already skipped it. knowing those bunch of rascals, they are probably playing some computer games right now." the deep voice paused before whispering to the other's ear.

"besides, we also have our own game to play, don't we princess?"

"daddy, you're so naughty!"

taehyung and jungkook was shocked at the sight of the two figures hungrily making out with each other. at first, they couldn't decipher who they were because only their backs were facing them. but as soon as one turned around and bent down on the desk while the other shoved something inside that made both of them scream in both pleasure and pain, the two boys inside the lockers instantly gasped and widened their eyes when they recognized the faces of the two strangers.

"hey, i-isn't that...?"

i succ at writing oml
this book is going nowhere


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