Chapter 19

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            I wore my sunglasses and put my beanie on when I entered the diner for people to not notice me. I searched the place and saw Gabby on the corner with a guy across her. My grip tightened on the bracelet when I noticed that they were conversing.

            “Are you looking for someone sir?” an employee asked me suddenly making me lose the grip I had on the bracelet I bought.

            “Yeah, uhm…can I have some paper and borrow a pen?” I asked formulating an idea to approach her creatively. “Certainly sir. Wait here,” he answered and went inside the staff room.

            I kept on looking at them figuring if Gabby can see me. Clearly, she’s too occupied by the guy she’s talking to. Who is that anyway? She just moved here and the only person I knew she knows is Erika.

            “Here you go sir,” handing me a piece of paper and a black pen. “Can you do me a favor?” I asked writing something on the paper. “As long as I won’t get in trouble,” he smiled. “See that girl over there,” I pointed out trying not to be obvious. “Send her this paper and bracelet with her order,” I smiled giving him the items. “Is she your girlfriend?” he asked smirking at me. I suddenly remembered what Gabby said to me earlier. That, if we’re not a couple, don’t act like we are. Well that sums up the point she wants me to get.

            “No. Just a good friend,” I answered. “Ohh…I see,” he said prolonging the O and went inside the staff room again. “I’ll make sure that your friend will get this,” he added with a hint of sarcasm on his tone. I just rolled my eyes and stood there waiting for Gabby to realize I’m here.

            Finally, a tray came out with the piece of paper and bracelet I asked the employee to bring to her. It came out with a plate of chicken, mash potato and a glass of water. She must be really hungry to eat all of that. The thought made me guilty again as I watched her read the paper.

            She looked up and saw me waving and smiling at her. An apologetic smile. I was afraid that she’ll ignore me but instead she gestured for me to come where she’s sitting.

            “Hey, thanks,” I whispered when me and the employee bumped to each other. He gave me a grin and went back on his job. “What are you doing here?” Gabby asked picking up a spoonful of mash potato and shoving it to her mouth.

            “I came here to apologize,” I answered ignoring the guy sitting across her who’s looking at me the whole time. “Apologize?” he asked with a tone. “What did you do to Gabby?” he added raising his voice a little. “It’s none of your business,” I answered and felt my fists closing.

            “Well it is cause Gabby is my friend. My bestfriend,” he snapped at me. I was about to answer him back when he added “You don’t know anything about her.” Who does this guy think he is? Gabby’s superman? I fought the urge to punch him in the face but he is just asking for it.

            “Enough! Can’t a girl get some peace while she’s eating?” Gabby yelled stabbing the chicken with a knife and gave us both an annoyed look. “The only bestfriend that I have is Erika,” Gabby said looking at the guy and turned on me.

            “You reunite with the others,” she said pointing the fork on me. “And you, go home,” turning the fork on the guy. “I’ll call you then,” the guy said holding Gabby’s hand and gave me a look. “Go home,” she answered obviously annoyed. He gave her a smile and bumped my shoulder when he got up and went straight out the exit.

            “Okay, who’s that guy?” I asked occupying the seat across her. “Ross…can you just…” she sighed giving me a sad look.

            “Okay. I won’t disturb you. But I won’t go. I’ll wait for you,” I smiled poking her left cheek. “Thank you,” she replied and got back on her plate. I just sat there watching her eat in silence and saw that she’s wearing the bracelet I bought her. I gave out a quiet laugh and ordered a meal for my own.


A/N Sorry for the late update on this guys. And also for the crap chapters XD. But i promise some excitement on this fanfic. On the meantime, i started a Riker Lynch fanfic. Check my profile for it ^^ Thanks for all the comments eventhough i can't reply to some of them. Stay Awesome <3 \m/

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