Oh Kyle -9

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Chapter 9- What’s dead should stay dead. Unless you’re Kyle.

Most of the town had stayed away from the funeral. The cemetery was fairly close to the pit and that made most folk uncomfortable. Those who did come gave their condolences and then continued on their way. Lilly’s father was given time off to grieve, but we couldn’t give him more than three days, there was a lot to do around town and not many people to do it, we couldn’t spare the manpower.

All of the questions about what had happened and why were answered and all worries calmed, and now we returned to our lives, as if nothing had happened. Today, Arie came to visit Kyle in the infirmary- both of them were kind of worried after seeing what had happened to Lilly. I tried to explain over and over to her that Lilly-Belle had been bitten whereas Kyle just had a scratch and that Lilly wasn’t treated as fast or as well as Kyle had been and that he’d be fine, but she just kept asking.

“So are you really really sure that’s not going to happen to Kyle?” She kept her voice down so the Doc and Route wouldn’t hear her as we passed the office. Kyle had been moved to an examination room because there was a bed and we figured that would be more comfortable than the office life.

“Like I said, probably not... “ My reply was half-hearted and distracted. I’d been answering the same question all morning and I was getting tired of repeating myself. When we walked into Kyle’s room, we found him sitting on the bed shirtless, flicking tongue depressors into the sink across the room. Obviously after three days of being cooped up he was pretty bored.

“Arie!” His face lit up as he slid off the bed and crossed the room in two long strides. He gave her an awkward side hug and nodded my way.

“I was wondering when you guys would be back. There is absolutely nothing to do in here. If I don’t die from this,” he pointed at his shoulder,” then I will most definitely die of boredom.” Laughing, Kyle released Arie and moved to sit back down on the bed. Arie followed and perched on the edge next to him while I sat in the chair by the door. There was a soft knock on the frame as Route appeared from in the hall.

“Can I come in?” He asked in a doctor voice. We all nodded and he entered, shutting the door behind him.

“So Kyle, how’ve you been?” Arie moved to sit by me so that Route could get a better look. Kyle removed the sling, ripping open the velcro behind his neck so that Route could undress the wound.

“Good I guess. The pain is less than yesterday.” Kyle turned his attention back to us while Route poked and prodded at his shoulder.

“Sorry about the shirtless-ness. It’s just easier than cutting all of my shirts to leave the stitches exposed when they come it to look and anyway, it’s kind of hard to put on a shirt with my shoulder all messed up. But if you want I could throw on a button down, they aren’t so bad...” He smiled awkwardly and then winced.

“I know, sorry man.” Route let his shoulder be and walked over to the counter, picking up the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. Kyle chewed on his lip as he watched Route tip the bottle to soak the cotton and gulped as Route turned towards him with it.

“This’ll-” But Kyle cut him off.

“Hurt.... I know. Thanks.” He braced himself, tensing as the cold liquid touched his aching shoulder. I grunted in sympathy and Arie tapped her toes next to me.

“It looks good Kid, it doesn’t seem to be getting worse, and the swelling around the stitches has gone down considerably.” Kyle’s jaw clenched and unclenched as Route spoke, obviously he was trying not to yell out in pain from the alcohol.

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