Town meeting -5

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WOOHOO more editing done:P Lemme know what you think:D Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top?

Chapter 5- Town meeting

"Darren!" I hear my name called and turn around, pulling the door of the food center shut behind us.

"Darren, I'm glad I caught you!" Doc called again, lengthening his strides and meeting us on the sidewalk.

"Oh, hey Doc! What's going on?" I leaned up against the side of the building, shifting the bags in my arms to get a better hold.

"They've just called an emergency town meeting and we're all to report to the town center, by the fountain. Tell Arie and Kyle to join us, oh and Brielle you should come too." He shuffled his feet and looked back over his shoulder at the gathering crowd.

"Alright, well I'm going to go make sure everyone else get’s the message. You head back to your place and get that stuff away,. Oh and make sure to grab Arie and Kyle." He smiled and gave us a little wave before heading off towards some of the other living areas.

I waved, with a little difficulty, letting one bag rest against the other enough to free one hand, until I almost dropped it. Then I turned to Brielle.  

"Ready to go?" I asked her, shifting the bags again. She nodded, looking grateful, and we headed back to our place.

"Oh okay, what do you think's going on?" She sounded nervous, and for good reason. Calling a huge meeting makes anyone nervous, we never really know what kind of news we’ll get .

"I'm guessing this means we have some newcomers looking for a home. I could be wrong, but usually that’s what happens. They probably had one for you guys, but I must have been on a run- I don’t really remember. To keep everyone in the know, whenever new people came in we have a huge meeting, usually before they got here, to discuss where they’d be staying and how they would be fed.” She nodded and we rounded the corner to our building. I was grateful that we lived so close, these bags were starting to feel pretty heavy.

"So, I'll go put this stuff away and you can grab the kids?" She asked as we reached the door, pulling it open so I could hook my foot behind the frame to hold it.

"After you." I told her, using the bags to gesture towards the open door. She passed me and I let the door swing shut behind us with a little thump.

"Arie, Kyle, we're back!" Brielle called, moving to the kitchen area and dropping her bags gently on the ground.  I put mine with hers and then walked towards where we left the children in the family room.

"Arie?" I called, peeking in and turning on the light. Kyle turned his head and put his finger to his lips, then pointed to Arie who was asleep on his shoulder. I took a second to smile at the peaceful expression on her face, and the remembered why I came.

"Kyle. There's a meeting in town that we all have to go to. Time to wake her up." He looked almost like he would fight me for a moment and then turned and faced her again.

"Arie, wake up." I heard him murmur gently. She stirred and then lifted her head, rubbing her eyes.

"Kyle?" She asked sleepily. I laughed softly and she turned around.

"Dad?" My laugh was cut short as I noticed the faint tremor in her voice. I walked around and sat down next to her on the couch, something in her face didn’t seem right, something had happened while I was away.

"Are you okay Arie?" I asked her, taking her hand. She nodded slowly, and then after a little thinking, shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck.

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