Lilly- Belle -8

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So this was a hard chapter to write- and an even harder chapter to edit and revise... So I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is apreciated!

Lilly-Belle -9

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Lilly-Belle didn't look up from her doll. She sat almost completely still on the floor of their small room in the infirmary, slowly brushing her doll's hair. It was almost like in the horror films. Zoom in to see small girl playing with dolls. But the audience already knows something’s up. This is a horror movie after all...

"Okay honey, what do you want to eat?" The white sheet crinkled on the bed as her father stood up, stretching his sore muscles.

"I'm hungry Daddy." She told him calmly. The brush paused for a moment on the doll's hair, and then continued again slowly.

"I know sweetheart, what would you like?" There was a sharp pop as he knelt down next to her and his knee cracked. She froze.

"Hungry..." She repeated, dropping the brush and reaching over to hug her father around the neck.

"It hurts Daddy." Her small whimper was muffled by his shirt. He stroked her hair as she spoke.

"What hurts baby girl?" He held her hands and pushed her back a little so he could see her face.

"My belly hurts Daddy. I'm so hungry!" Her whimper turned into a cry as she reached forward and hugged his neck again, crying into his shoulder.

"Okay baby girl, you stay here, Daddy will go get you something to eat, okay?" Again, he pushed her away a little so he could see her face, but this time he knew something was wrong.

"Lilly- Belle, are you alri-" His words were choked off by a yell as his little girl lunged for his throat.


"ARGH!" I jumped, looking down the small hallway. The yell sounded wrong, it wasn't pain, it was fear. It came from Lilly-Belle’s room...

"What the...?" Another yell. I jogged down the short hallway and came to a stop outside the little girl's room to find her father trying to hold her off of him.

"Lilly-Belle?" My voice was forceful, almost like I was talking to an animal. I stepped forward and grabbed her by her waist. She snarled at me and clawed at my arm. Her father backed away, cringing into the bed behind him and wiping at the sweat that had beaded on his forehead and upper lip..

"Wha- what's wrong with her Darren?" He asked me, the fear in his eyes reached his voice, making it quiver. I shook my head at him and returned my attention to the girl, setting her on her feet, turning her so that she faced me and got a firm grip on her shoulders so I could see her face. I looked for anything, checking her eyes first. I wasn’t too excited by what I found.

"What color are her eyes usually?" I asked her father, struggling to hold onto the squirming girl.

"B-brown. " He stuttered, too scared to be confused by my strange question. There was a thin red ring forming around her pupil. Thin enough that I had to look twice to make sure I wasn’t just seeing things. That’s when I was sure that this must be the virus.

"Route?" I called down the hallway, turning the girl away from me again so I could hold her more securely.

"Hungry!" The girl screamed at her father, reaching with her small bony fingers towards the poor man. Her voice was barely human and past hysteric at this point. Suddenly Route’s hand replaced my own as he knelt in front of the girl, checking her eyes. His expression changed into one that is hard to explain, angry- but also laced with pity and regret.

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