Chapter 12

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*Sage P.O.V*

I sat down next to Shane, my knee's tucked into my chest. I silently cried, and heard Joey vlogging.

"So yeah guys, wont be much vlogging today, my girlfriend needs my support. Send her love please, she needs it. May the odds be ever in your favor, goodbye."

I felt Shane put one arm around me, and to be honest, I didn't care what was going on. I just wanted my sister to be okay, she ment the world to me, and to Shane. I looked at him, i had never seen him cry before, and he was so broken looking. I felt like everything around me was going in slow motion, my heart sank into my stomach, when i watched Nicole crying, she walked over to me and hugged me. We just cried. Joey had shut his camera, and started to hug us.

"Shh, guys i am sure she will be okay. She is a fighter." Joey said. We heard a door swing open, and Shane was the first to stand up. It was the doctor, and he walked over to all of us.
"Hello, you must be Cassie's sister Sage." He said, looking to me.
"Yeah, how is my sister? Is she alright?" I said, my voice shaky and filled with worry. He sighed, looking through the papers on his clipboard. I fiddled with my hands nervously, and he looked back up.

"Well, she has some damage, just to her ribs and few cuts and bruises. She should be fine. She will need some physical therapy. But she will live." he said with a smile. He continued to explain, and Shane and I listened to every single detail. We could see her in an hour, so he suggested we go and get her some clothes. I nodded and Shane looked at us,

"I will be back, she has a bag of clothes in the car." He said, jogging past us to go outside to the car. I hugged Joey, who picked me up and sat down on a chair craidling me in his arms. I just snuggled closer to him, i needed to go home tonight, I needed to be with Cassie and Nikki.

*Shane P.O.V*

I jogged out to my car, grabbing Cassies bag. I still couldn't believe that cassie, MY cassie was in the hospital. She just went to pick up a puppy we had bought, and then..


I was flipping through the channels, and sitting on the couch. I sighed, waiting for Cassie to come back with the new labrador puppy we just bought last night. We decided to name her Lila, and we had got everything last night. I finally stopped debating on channels, and decided to just turn on the news. I was about to turn it off and take a shower, when I saw something flash on the screen. Breaking news, an accident? That girl looks like.. CASSIE!? Oh my god, no, it can't be. Then my phone rang, I answered it.

"H-hello?" I asked, scared.

"Hi Mr. Shane Dawson? This is Officer Guado, your girlfriend has been in a car accident. She is being flown to South L.A Hospital, can you meet us there so we can talk to you?" I just felt my heart stop. No. No no no. Not her, not now. Please god. Don't take Cassie from me just yet.

"Ye-yeah i will be there in about 20 minutes." then the guy hung up. I started to freak out, and i felt the tears running down my face. I grabbed the keys, and ran to the car. I got into my moms car, speeding off to the hospital. I was there within a matter of ten minutes, and the police officer handed me the phone. Cassies phone.

"Thank you for comming, she is being looked at right now." The officer gave me a sympathetic look, and walked away. I sat down, my head in my hands. I quietly sobbed, and texted Sage. This was the worst thing in the world, and why today of all days. Today was supposed to be perfect.

*End of Flashback*

I rushed back inside, and sat back down next to Sage and Joey. Nikki and Pewdie were on the other side of the room,

I heard Sage call my name.

"Shane?" She said, looking at me.

"Hmm." i replied, looking at my friend, a spitting image of my girlfriend.

"She will be okay. Don't worry, she isn't going to leave yet." She said, placing her small, fraile hand ontop of mine, making me feel a-bit better. I gave her a weak smile. We sat there, Joey and Sage watching tv on the screen infront of us on the celing. I just waited, i needed to see her. I really did, then the nurse walked up to me.

"Uhm, Mr. Dawson? Your girlfriend, Cassie is requesting you." I felt my heart beat alittle faster,

'She, she's awake?" I asked, and she nodded. I followed the nurse down the hall, and into Cassies room. Cassie looked at me, she looked so broken.

"Shane?" She asked, seeing me cry.

"Hey baby. How are you, are you alright?" I asked her, my voice a slight whisper, not wanting it to crack. She nodded and took my hand, and I lightly squeezed it. I pushed a strand of lose hair behind her ear, and she leaned her face on my hand. I stroked her cheek with my thumb, kissing her forhead, a few of my tears landing on her face.

"Please, pelase stop crying Shane." She said, and his small hand made her way up to my face, wiping the tears away. I smiled, and she smiled back. We sat like this for awhile, and by the time visiting hours were over, we could go home. I stroked her hair, I was happy to be taking her home again.

*Sage P.O.V*

Joey and I were tired, so we went home. I told Cassie i would see her tommorrow. She smiled and told me that it was fine. So we were driving home, and Joey stopped to pick up a pizza. Once we were home, we walked inside with the pizza and i ran upstaris to change. I put on a pair of Joey's boxers, and a baggy t-shirt. It was also Joey's, it has blue and white stripes on it. I ran back down the stairs, and sat next to Joey.

"You seem to love wearing my clothes." He laughed while he spoke, I jsut shrugged and grabbed a piece of pizza. We turned on Pitch Perfect, and started our last night together in this house. I smiled as he kissed my cheek and took a picture of us. He opened his laptop that was sitting next to him, and checked youtube.

"That video I uploaded earlier from my phone, everyone loves you! You really should make a channel babe!" I smiled, maybe i would.

"I need a camera, hun." He looked at me, getting up and running to the closet. He came back, with a camera that was expensive looking. He handed it to me, and smiled.

"Babe, i cant take this. Are you sure?" He nodded at me. I turned it on, and started to make a video.

"Hii! Im Sage, and you might have seen me on my boyfriend Joey's channel. He said you guys liked me, so i decided to make a channel of my own! I don't really know what i want to do on here yet, maybe just vlog?" I stopped recording and finished eating, before snuggling with Joey, and falling asleep with him on the couch. He seems to make my bad days, turn out to end in the best way.

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