Citrine's Dream

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Citrine pov-
After being bloodstone, I lost it. Everything around me was a mix of anger, tears, and regret. When Topaz woke up I didn't know if I wanted him to hug me and never let go, or leave and never come back. How could we be close if when we become too close all we cause is destruction. I can't do that again, I can't hurt all of those helpless gems. Don't get me wrong, they were strong, but compared to Bloodstone they were ants and we were a magnifying glass. After what seemed like hours of sobbing and hating myself I eventually passed out from exhaustion. As I slip into a dream a feeling of absolute terror slips over me and I can't explain why.
A green-ish water rises and I quickly jump to my feet. I notice a figure in the corner of my eye and my brass knuckles appear. "Who are you, and what do you want." The words come out in a snarl. The stranger let's out a moan of pain as I turn around. She's wearing a blue dress and hair of the same color, which doesn't go below her shoulders. She seems to be who Topaz describes as Lapis. "Lapis?" I ask, still not in a happy tone. "Y-yes." She manages. I can't control myself as I scream at her. "Why would you do this to us?! What made you think that we deserved to feel the responsibility of shattering all of those gems?!" "D-do you know where that place was?" "No, but how is that relevant, I asked you a question and I exp-" She cut me off, her voice getting louder as she stands up. "That was the kindergarten. Do you have any memory of it?" "No." "Now tell me, where were you before you met Topaz." "The rainforest." "No, before that." "I still don't see ho-" "Answer the question!" I think back... but I can't remember, anything before Topaz, I can't remember any of it. "I-i don't know." "Exactly." "How did you know that I wouldn't know." "Because I'm the reason that you don't know. I can't tell you any more now, but tell Topaz I need to talk to him." I can feel myself slipping out of my dream and I struggle to stay in. "But I need to know!" "You will, but for now, have patience." I fell underwater and saw a face with a rhombus nose snap up and stare at me with glowing yellow eyes. I try to breathe and realize that I can't. My arms go to my throat and I thrash my legs but I can't make it to the surface. My eyes open and I cough and take deep breaths. Topaz is holding me a second later, I guess he slept next to me to keep an eye on me. As soon as I can breathe normal I start telling Topaz about my dream. "You mean you talked to Lapis?" He asked. "I-i think so." "I thought I was the only one that could talk to her telepathically." "I guess not." I then proceeded to tell him about how I couldn't remember anything before him and that she said the place that we were was the kindergarten. "I've heard her mention that place before." He said. "She has never talked about it in a good way." "What do you know about it?" "Apparently it's a place where bad gems go to grow other bad gems. I never wanted to deal with it." "Well apparently she also is the reason why I can't remember anything." "She must have a good reason for it, just let me figure this out okay?" He kissed me on the forehead, god he knows I blush when he does that. "Do you wanna get something to eat?" He asked. "I do recall some pancakes being mentioned. Ooh but first let me show you this sketch I made!" I ran into the other room and grabbed a picture of the sunrise that I drew a few days ago and quickly went back to show him. "Look at this piece of work right here." "It's amazing Citrine." "Thanks! I'm gonna go put it on the fridge while you get ready to go." I walked into the other room and grabbed my favorite star magnet to pin it to the fridge. "Alright Citrine, I'm ready." I turn around to see him wearing his hood, which he hasn't done in a while. "Why are you wearing that?" I say with a sideways glance. "I don't know, i just wanted to, is something wrong with it?" "Not at all, i like itm" We walked out of the house and started walking to the diner up the street. With everything that's going wrong, it's nice to appreciate a few little things that are right.

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