Chapter 1: Ivor's Lava House

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Story takes place during episode five but certain events will be changed for the purpose of this story but still spoilers for episode 5 so you've been warned.

Jesse, Olivia, Petra and Axel were heading toward the gate to their home after their encounter with Aiden. They were coming back from visiting the temple and acquiring the glowing blue flint & steel. "I can't shake the feeling of what Aiden said to us back there" Olivia said, breaking the somewhat awkward silence. "We are always getting the best treasures. And sometimes we do throw our weight around." "What are you talking about, Olivia? That just means we have good taste, not like we're bullies or anything" Axel stated. "Olivia has a point" Jesse admitted. "Perhaps we are taking all of the good stuff for ourselves." Jesse didn't notice Petra who was glaring at him after she heard what he said.

"No matter what Aiden thinks, there's one thing I know" Petra said, while taking off her helmet. "They think we're awesome." All of a sudden a crowd of people flocked in to see the new Order of the Stone return.
"Wow, this place looks freaking awesome!" Jesse exclaimed while looking around. "I like Olivia's armour better!" "No Axel's!" Two people were fighting over whose armour was better. "Welcome back!" A fangirl said and raised her hand at Jesse. He high-fived her with a weird look on his face. "Jesse  high fives me. ME!" The girl rambled on. Jesse continued walking through the crowd. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Someone's loud scream was heard by everyone. "That wasn't a 'happy to see us' scream" Olivia stated. "That thing looks completely dangerous" Jesse said. "Eh" Axel responded. "NOT MY FAULT!!" someone yelled. Jesse and his friends rushed to see what was going on. "Oh, stop your whining. What are your pathetic injuries in comparison to my majestic tower?"

"Ivor?" Jesse asked. "Of course." Petra sighed, annoyed. "Jesse, you're back!" Ivor happily said. "Don't listen to a word these fools tell you." "It's a fire hazard!" A women in the crowd declared. "And your face is an ugly hazard!" Ivor retaliated. "SAVAGE!!!" a British person in the crowd yelled. "Man Ivor this is a really cool build!" Jesse told Ivor as he examined the structure. "Thank you Jesse. So good to finally see someone with some vision." Ivor was happy that at least Jesse was on his side. "Jesse, seriously? You can't let him keep this up!" Petra angrily said. "Dude, you made a killer house!" Axel said, loving the lava part especially. "Exactly. "Killer"" The same women stated. "Ivor's right. People gotta be free to build" Jesse stated calmly. "But that's so irresponsible!" Olivia said, mad at Jesse. "We have to tear it down! We can't let that monstrosity stand!" The woman yelled.

Ivor had heard enough. He jumped down and ran right toward Jesse. "It's MY house, Jesse. I have just as much a right to build something as all these other people don't I?" Ivor pleaded. "Ivor obviously put a lot of work into his new house and we need to show it the same respect we would show a house......not dripping with lava." Jesse told everyone. After hearing this, Ivor jumped up and down happily and Petra face-palmed. "Long live my lava house! Long live lava! Thanks, Jesse!" Ivor thanked Jesse. "That's right, keep walking. KEEP WALKING!" Ivor pointed towards the citizens who were all walking away from his house.

"Always nice to see a gracious winner" Petra said with one eyebrow raised. "Ha ha." Ivor laughed sarcastically. "I haven't seen you around in a while. So what can I do for you, Jesse?" Ivor asked, surprisingly kindly. "We just got back from that temple you told us about and-" Jesse tried to explain but was cut off by Ivor. "What? You did?Yes! Great to see you again! Let's do lunch, I'll bring the carrots!" Ivor's tone then quickly changed to a whisper. "There's no telling who's listening. Meet me in the treasure room, ten minutes. And bring the thing you found!" Ivor then walked away leaving Jesse speechless.

"Jesse, why don't you go and encase the lava in glass to make it a bit safer? Olivia Axel, and I will head in the treasure room and meet up with Ivor." Petra told him. "Sure, but you'll need this" Jesse handed over the glowing flint and steel to Petra. "Thanks, Jesse" Petra thanked him and walked over to Olivia Axel and the three headed into the treasure room. "Well, in order to make glass, I'll need sand first" Jesse said to himself as he took out a shovel and went off to find some sand.

Chapter 2 coming soon!

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