Miss Unfortunate Part 2

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Chat and Ladybug had saved another day in Paris as Volpina tagged along before the superheroes decided to leave. "Well hello Chat" Volpina said flirty as possible. It boiled Ladybug's blood but she needed to stay positive. "Hello Volpina, trying to be foxy?" Volpina smiled and hugged Chat Noir, tracing his chest with her finger seductively. "Volpina, you know I love my lady right, no matter what you do I won't fall for you." Volpina then quickly kisses Chat and slaps him. "But I love you!" Chat was utterly confused until he realized that Ladybug was gone. He shrugged if off since she probably was about to de-transform. 

Miss Unfortunate continued to walk, holding her rose with deadly thorns tightly to her hands. She smiled along the way, tears still streaming down her pink cheeks. Her eyes red and puffy from crying. Chat Noir was following her from behind and called out her name over over but it seemed she can no longer hear. Thats when he realized a dark aroma surrounded her, and her smile disappeared completely as she cried out over and over "why did you hurt me Chat!" He held his chest, it was tight and he felt sharp pain pricking him. He was about to fall when she smiles again and looks at him with the most dark look ever. She points her rose to him, and screamed out "DIE!" Her rose steam then wrapped out her hand as the thorns pricked into her skin and her blood when into the plant and shot blood red thorns and petals at Chat. He blocked the attacks but one caught his hand and and torso as he fell. She had a look off concern, and ran quickly and held him to her chest crying out his name over and over. He smiled, thinking she beat the akuma, when he realized she was still in that costume, and her concern face turned into an amused one. "That's what you wanted from me right?" Chat was scared and held his torso with his good hand. "Marinette! What's wrong with you!" Her face turned into an angered one and stood up. "I'm no longer Marinette, I'm Miss Unfortunate. You need to accept." She had a hidden concern in her face as she pricked her skin with the rose once more and a little drop petal came from the rose. "What are-" Chat started as she shoved the petal in his mouth. "Eat it" she said before turning around and smiling to herself and telling Chat before she left, "hope to see you again..my kitty." With that she left, Chat smiling and already swallowed the rose petal. His wounds all healed and no trace of a bruise was found on him.
Adrien ran to Marinette's place and searched for Tikki, hoping the akuma didn't get to the earrings. "Tikki? Are you here?" The small kwami came out and hugged Adrien as she was crying. "What happened Tikki, are you alright?" Tikki shook her head as Plagg came out, worried. "Tikki please don't cry, look we will get Marinette back so don't worry." Plagg embraced Tikki and kissed her as she smiled. Adrien was just shocked but again, kept quiet about the situation. "Adrien we have to get her back, if she takes those earrings off, I'll be forced back into to it until someone puts it on again, worst of all, she may die if the akuma takes over her body for too long." Adrien froze in place as a sudden fright went to his heart. His princess, his lady, his life, could die..






Wanted to give you the 2nd part to the chapter and I also I love leaving cliff hangers

so.....;3 welcome~Rias

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