3) A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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dedicated to ^^^ she was the first person to vote and comment!! thank u so much for your surrport :DD

Picture of Zain------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Jake and I finally stopped running when we made it to Spencer’s. We both hutched over trying to catch our breaths before walking into the store.  “Oh gosh Jakey look!” I pointed at another openly gay guy from another school, who just so happens to be Jakes ex-boyfriend.

“Oh great! I swear he is everywhere!” Jake whined. Josh looked up and over at us. Jake quickly hid behind some lady walking by leaving me out in the open. Looking around franticly for a place to hid. Not seeing anything I placed my hands in front of my face hoping her wouldn’t think it was me.

“Nick, just because you can’t see me doesn’t mean I can’t see you!” his sexy voice whispered in my ear sending shivers down my body. Don’t give in Nick! Ignore the hot sexy voice! “Nicky?” he whispered again.

“Y-yes?” I my mouth moved without permission.

“Remove your hands from your face?”


“C’mon Nicky please?” I peeked one eye from in between my fingers.


“Where is Jake?”

“Home, I came by myself,” I lied.

“I'm not stupid Nick I know you wouldn’t come without him. So just be a good boy and tell me where he is,” Josh demanded in that voice, I if don’t tell him what he wants something bad will happen to my poor face.

“AH!” Jake jumped out of his hiding spot groaning, “What do you want now Josh?!”

“You!” Josh chuckled from Jake disgusted annoying face.

“You had your chance and you ruined it for yourself,”

“Nothing happened I swear!” Josh pleaded

“You’re such a liar! I saw you with my own two eyes! Nick saw you! Don’t even try lying! You’re a piece of shit that needs to learn that you can’t just say sorry and except everything to be fine!”

“Don’t blame this on me! If you would have just given me what I want I wouldn’t have done it!”

I tried sneaking away but as doing so I saw Jess and Zain running towards us. Crap! Two against three! Why do people hate us so much? I bet it is all Jake’s fault! Just kidding I love my best gay friend! “Um Jake? Jess and Zain are coming…” he looked up and spotted them right away with an evil smile crossing his lips.

“Jess! Babe!” Jake ran over to Jess clingy to him making sure his arms were wrapped around Jess’s so he can’t push him off. Jess looked confused I silently begged him to play along with my eyes. He looked down at Jakes despite eyes and did something I never EVER thought would happen!

Jess kissed Jakes forehead, “Hey Jakey, who’s this?” he asked politely while un-trapping his arms and wrapped them around Jake. My mouth hung open, Jakes eyes popped out of his head, and Zain took a step back confused.

“Um this is Josh my ex,” Jake said slowly to Jess still confused.

“Hey, I'm Jess Jakes current boyfriend,” he forced a smile at Josh but could see the hatred in his eyes for the boy standing in front of him.

“Hi, well then I guess I should leave you guys alone see you around,” he waved then walked off giving a death glare to Jess the whole time.

“W-what was that?” Zain stuttered. Jess looked up confused at Zain then down again frowning but then his face quickly went blank thinking none saw that. But I did!

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now