13) A Kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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 sorry for the long wait but i have been busy :( umm Nick----------------->

After that my mom and dad rushed out of the room to go to the police station leaving me with Zain. “So what really happened after I left?”  He explained everything to me and it made me feel terrible. It’s my entire fault! Their best friends and I am coming between them! I can’t live with that kind of guilt it they never make up. “Zain we need to stop this,” I whispered.


“I don’t want to come between you and Jess’s friendship,”

“You’re not! Your helping me discover who I am, I need you Nick,” he looked at me pleading eyes.

“Do you know who you are Zain?”

“Yes I am Zain Morph and I'm, I'm…” he looked down, “I-I’m g-gay,” he barely whispered.

“See you don’t need me anymore, y-you already know…” he looked up at me with sad eyes. He walked over to me and gently leaned down kissing me.

“I do need you Nicky,” he whispered then kissed me again long and hard. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I more than happy gave it to him. Soon enough he was sitting on top of me his legs on either side of my body.  My arms rubbed up and down his legs and cupped his butt.

His hands roamed down my body untying the back of the hospital dress I was wearing. Instantly his finger went inside of me making me moan. I remembered we were in a hospital room where anyone could walk in at anytime but it just turned me on even more.

His finger moved in and out slowly but then got faster and faster making me wants him even more! When he was done his hand made it way to my front gripping it tightly. I moaned again from the pleasure just from him touching me. Zain laughed at me then placed soft kisses down my neck and back up ending on my lips. Both is hands gripped my waist pulling my body closer to his that not even air was between us. I picked at the edge of his shirt then finally ripped it right down the middle throwing it aside. I pulled away from the kiss and stared at his perfectly toned abs! My weakness! I licked my lips then ran my tongue all over those things.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Zain smirked down at me. I bit it abs for a reply, “I’ll take that as a yes!” he laughed then pulled my lips back up to his. I groaned but then melted into the kiss.

“Um, Zain?” I mumbled against his lips. His hands fidgeting with his belt.

“Yes?” I grumbled back working magic on my neck.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he got his belt undone and was tugging it off.

“What does it look like?!” he growled.

“We c-an’t do anything i-in a hospital bed,” I laughed.

“Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do!” he bit my lip, “But I guess you’re right,” he kissed me one more time then got off the bed, gathered his clothes, then walked out of the room smirking.

“Hey!” Jake came skipping in.

“Finally! Where have you been?!”  I shouted sitting up. The doctors gave me pain killers for the pain.

“Well I have been up to a few things… so how you feeling?”

“Better, the doctor said I could go home in a few days,”

“That’s great!” Jake sat down and we talked for hours about everything and anything.

Yes I was being let out today! I pulled up my boxers and was relieved when I didn’t feel the breeze still! I smiled then continued with my jeans. I missed them so much! They caused me warmth.

“Hey do you need any help?” Jakey walked into my hospital room. 

“Yeah I need help putting my shirt over the bandages,” I smiled shyly. Jake winked at me then carefully put my shirt on. “Thanks, so how’s Jess doing?”

The first night I came here the police found Jess passed out on the side of the sidewalk. Jess was submitted into the hospital and has been in a coma for three days. He is far away from my room in a totally different wing just in case. Jake has been visiting him whenever my parents weren’t there, he knows that Jess would never love him back but that won’t stop him. Zain never once went to my brother’s room to visits and won’t tell me why. Whenever my parents aren’t with me Zain is sitting next to me the whole time holding my hand or making out.

I also had to tell Jake everything considering that was the only way he would tell me what he has been doing all the time.

“Still in a coma,” he said sadly.

“Oh,” I am so not sorry for that Jess deserves it! “Do they know when he is going to wake up or what caused it?”

“No they think it’s from stress and that his body is trying to recover from everything that is happening. It all depends on his body,”

“Aw Jake!” I gave him a big hug, “We need to go clubbing and find you a smoking hot guy!”

“I already found one!”

“A gay one! Someone who won’t cause you pain!”

“Then I am finding you one two!”

“I don’t need one,”

“Oh come on what you and Zain are doing is not healthy. Has he even asked you out?”

“Well no but,”

“No buts!”

“Whatever, do what you want but were still going clubbing!”

“I can’t say no to that,” he laughed. We went on talking about what were going to do this weekend.

“Please Zain?!”

“No you are not going! You’re all bandaged up!”

“I’ll be with Jake he won’t let anyone hurt me.”

“He's as skinny as you he won’t be able to protect you,”

“Then you come? I know you love going partying and you will also be able to protect me, so it’s a win, win!” I clapped my hands together.

“Nick,” he said with a stern voice, “You are not going out tonight or any night until your nit broken anymore!”

“You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my boyfriend or dad or anything!” I was getting angry.

“Fine, I’ll come with you,” he growled. I jumped and hugged him.

“Yes! We’re going to have so much fun!”


next chapter will be them at the club and more drama with Jess!! dotn forget to vote fan and comment!! :D

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now