20)My Homophobic Gay Lover (boyxboy)

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SO last chapter!! hope youlike it!!


“So um Nick, where we going?” Jake asked. We have been driving for 3 hours and Jake hasn’t asked one question until know. Truthfully I have no idea where were going I just had to get away.

“I don’t know,”

“Well sorry to bother you but I have to take a dump,” I gave him an are-you-for-real look and he turned away blushing.

“Fine, I'm getting hungry anyway,” 10 minutes later and we pull up to a rest stop with 5 fast food restaurants, 1 sit down, and a few mini shops.

“I’ll be right back!” Jake jumps out of the car and runs into the rest stop. I just shake my head at him; he could be such a child sometimes. I pulled out my phone and saw five miss calls from my parents with a new voice mail.

“Nickolas, we know you are in pain but your father and I just want to let you know we love you so very much! Please take care of yourself and Jake and come home as soon as you can. If you need anything just call and we can work something out. I love you my baby,” I laughed at the massage. Yeah they say they love me but aren’t parents supposed to see what's wrong in their kid’s life?

There was also two calls from Jess and a text, “Nick I am so sorry. I can’t believe I would do something that would hurt you so much! Please come home I need someone to talk to…” how could you be sorry for something you don’t remember?

I made my way inside and took a seat at the sit down place. “Well hello there! Can I get you something to drink?”

“Um water please,”

“Are you sure you don’t want a soda or coffee? You look like you could use the caffeine,”

“No, just tired,”

“You sure? You look like you have been crying, do you need someone to talk to?” I looked into her eyes and I didn’t see the fake concern but I saw that she really did want to help. “Let it all out, it helps,”

“Well my homophobic brother bet his homophobic best friend to go out with me, I'm gay. My brother almost beat me to death because he almost caught me with his friend, my brother passed out and was missing for a few hours, my brother almost killed his friend by running over him by losing control over his car, they were both in a coma for like a week or two, my brother has amnesia and doesn’t remember any of it, and his friend admitted to me it was all a bet right after he woke up from his coma!” all this came out practically running over each other. The waitress had tears in her eyes, one slipped past and rolled down her check. “I'm sorry I didn’t mean to make you cry. But that’s all I have been doing lately.”

“OH my poor baby! I am so sorry! That’s terrible!”

“It’s ok,”

“No, no its not! My sister recently died, she was my best friend and my worst enemy. We got in so many fights, I planted drugs on her one time so she got arrested all because she slept with my boyfriend… well anyway at least there both alive, you can work things out. My sister I never got the chance to tell her I love her, while she was spending the night in the slammer some maniac got lose with gun and just ran down the cells shooting at random. My sister she was one of them died right on the spot. But what I'm telling you are to not let a few fights come between you and your loved ones. Life is too short to run away from mistakes. You need to go and have a talk with your brother tell him the truth, and for his friend forget about him! You can always find new boyfriends and friend but never a new brother,” another tear rolled down her face.  She was right; I can’t keep running from my life. I have to be strong, I need to tell Jess the truth whatever happens was planned that way to happen. I can’t keep living my life in fear and running away from my brother.

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