18)My Homophobic Gay Lover (boyxboy)

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Knots formed in my throat tears threaten to fall from my eyes, and my lungs closed up. I hutched over clutching my stomach, not being able to breathe. Doctors and nurses ran in the room pushing around me, doing this and that whatever they can to save his life while I just stood there frozen.

“Kid gets out! You’re in the way!”

“We need all the space we can get!”

“Kid, out now!” all the voices merged into one fading in the background. I couldn’t move, I blanked out not knowing anything going on around me except that Zain was dying all because of me!

“Nicky we have to get out of the way, now!” Jake told me and tried dragging me out of the room.

“It’s my entire fault!”

“C’mon Nick, if you want any chance of Zain surviving we have to get out of the way!” without realizing it my feet started moving towards the door.

“Oh Nickolas!” my mom’s warm arms found me in a tight hug.

“Mom,” I sobbed into her shoulder.

“OH baby, it’s going to be alright!”

“We were dating!” I admitted to her.

“Yes honey I know, I know and it’s alright,” her hold on me got tighter.


“You’re as easy to read as a children’s book,” my mom laughed.


“It’s ok, he is going to be alright,” I just cried. “Your brother woke up,” mom whispered.


“I think you should go talk to him,”

“Why so he can yell at me and blame everything on me and make me feel even guiltier then I feel now?!”

“He has amnesia,”

OH so he doesn’t remember…?”

“No nothing… well almost nothing he remembers the basics like your father and I, his birthday, how to read, write, and do math, and hopefully if he sees you he will remember you,”

“What if that’s not all he remembers?”

“It will be ok honey,” she kissed my check and pushed me towards Jess’s room. I slowly walked in, Jess was staring out the window the TV on mute. “Hey,” his head snapped at the sound of my voice.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Nick, your brother,”


“Yes your twin brother,” his face lit up in reorganization.

“Nickolas!” he smiled at me. That was the first time in years that I have seen him smile! Even when he was messing around with Zain or beating me up he never had a real happy smile like he has right now. Seeing him like this made me remember all the fun times we had together and I ran over and gave him a bear hug!

“Jess! Oh gosh I have missed you!” his hold me tighten. I felt tears form in my eyes and they soon flooded over. And I know from here on I could have Jess back as my brother!

After my long overdue reunion with Jess I went to find out how Zain was doing. The doctors said that he will be fine that he is still in his coma but his body is repairing itself quickly. They’re planning on him waking up maybe next week, hopefully.

My father came over and opened my car door for me. I stepped out and ran into the house. I haven’t been home since the accident. I jumped on my bed burring myself in the sheets. “Hey Nick mom told me to tell you that dinner will be done in 10 minutes.” Jess walked in my room and joined me on my bed.

I smiled up at him, “What's for dinner?”

“My favorite, Meatloaf!” he started bouncing up and down.

“Jess calmed down,” I laughed.

“Gosh bro why is it so hot in here?!” Jess stood up taking of his shirt. Oh gosh, the sunlight shown in through the window just right, glisten offs his perfect chest. I still haven’t told him I was gay and I don’t think I am going to, at least anytime soon.

“Um Nick? You ok, you just totally blanked out!” he laughs and messed up my hair.

“Hey!” I cried putting my hair back in place.

“Boys, diner!” mom called up. Jess looked at me then we both took off racing downstairs.

“Oh gosh Jake! Jess and I are back to normal!” I yelled into the phone later that night.

“That’s great but I think you just busted my eardrum!” I sighed, but evilly hoping that I did.

“Oh man up!”

“So did you tell him you’re gay?”

“No…” I whispered.

“I think you should…”

“I can’t Jake. I just got him back I can’t lose him again!”

“I know Nicky but you can’t hide yourself from him your whole life. What about when you want to get married and start a family, are you going to continue acting straight just to please your brother?”

“That’s different Jakey,”


“Well I won’t be getting married anytime soon,” I said sarcastically.

“What about boyfriends and dating?”

“Jess doesn’t have to know about that,”

“Ok Nick well I have to go, good luck with whatever you’re trying to do. Bye!”



sorry i know its short but its all i have time for right now... but i am now on winter break for the next 2 weeks!! so hopefully i will upload either everyday or every other day :D but thats only if i can get more then 10 votes on each chapter :D

first person to comment answering this question will get a dedication....

should i have a sequral or just end it?? and if you want a sequral what is one thing you defanitly want to be in it?!?!

but i do think the end is coming up!! it will be my first finish story!! but its also sad :(

thanks 4 reading, voting, and commenting :DD ILY <33

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now