9) A Kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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It was a yacht! A freaking boat! I jumped up and down like a little girl screaming. I always wanted to go on a boat but my mom gets sea sick and my dad never does anything without my mom. I breathed in the salty air and looked over at the horizon. “I always wanted to go on a boat!” I looked up at Zain.

“I know,” he smiled then tugged my hand to follow him before I could ask how. “My family owns it they love to be out on the water,” he explained while we approached the ship. Zain easily jumped onto the boat from the boardwalk, “here give me your hand,” Zain offered and extended his arm for me to take. I slowly laced our fingers together and took a shaky step over the deep blue water and onto the gorgeous white flooring of the yacht.

But leave it to me, my shoelace got stuck in between two floor boards on the deck and I ended up tripping. Faster than I could blink two strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. I looked up and my eyes locked with Zain’s. For a second I got lost in them till I felt him place a soft kiss on my lips then let me go and walked off causing me to fall to the floor.

“Ow!” I moaned rubbing my poor butt. He continued walking away not even looking back, “Basterd,” I murmur under my breath before standing up and dusting myself off. I followed the path Zain disappeared to. I entered a small elegant room filled with pastels color furniture and saw Zain talking to a waiter.

“Promise not to tell anyone about this,” Zain whispered to the waiter while handing over some money.

“Got my word for it,” the waiter smiled and stuffed the money in his pants pocket. “Follow me gentleman!” he waved us behind him. He took us through a small light pink hallway leading us into an exclusive dining room.  The table was a dark wood with a sleek glass top and eight chairs surrounding it.

Atop of the table lay a plate full of omelets, different types of biscuits, sausage, bacon, a bowl of eggs, orange juice, milk, and five types of cereal! I felt my mouth drop open and saw Zain laugh from the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes and continued staring at the food in front of me. Is this all for us?!

“What's this?” I asked dumbly.

“Breakfast,” he took a hold of my hand and pulled me to a chair in the middle of the table. He pulled the chair out letting me sit down before he ran to the other side to sit.

“Wow, is this just for us?”

“Yep! Dig in!” he then took a handful of bacon and stuffed it in his mouth. I found it adorable.

Two later we were walking down a blue hallway trying to find the bathroom, “Where is it?! I have to pee!” I wined at Zain who seemed just as lost as I did.

“I could have sworn it was down the blue hallway?”

“Well obviously it’s not! Hurry!” I shouted.

“I'm thinking! Calm down,”

“Calm down?! I am about to pee my pants how am supposed to calm down?!” as you can tell I get angry when I have to pee! He led me through a door leading me onto the deck. The water rushed passed us making me have to pee even more! “I can’t take this!” I scream when I ran to the railing and ripped down my pants and let it all out.

“Nick?!” Zain’s scared voice called out behind me. I finished up and zipped my pants back up turning to Zain innocently.

“Yes?” he looked at me like I am crazy then shrugged it off.

“So what do you want to do know?”

“Um what is there to do?”

“Well there is a cook who can ‘read your future’”.

“Really?! I always wanted to get my future read but my parents don’t believe in that kind of stuff,” I frowned.

“Then let’s go!” he intertwined our fingers together before taking off to what I could only hope is the kitchen.

We entered the kitchen after walking around trying to find the darn place. “Hello! Hello come in, come come!” a dark cubby man walked in. “You are Zain’s, yes?” he asked shaking his hand.

“Oh yes and this is my um friend Nick,” he introduced me and the man shock my hand as well. He had a deep Italian accent.

“Yes yes what can I do for you today?” he yelled.

“Um we heard that one of the cooks can tell the future?”

“Oh yes!” he slapped his hands together, “Come come!” he waved us to follow him while he led us into what seem like his office. “What kind of reading do you want?”

“Surprise me!” I squealed jumping with joy! I want to know my future.

(A/N I don’t know how to do this so just act like he is doing some magical thing)

“I see you in the near future with a broken heart. But you play it off like its cool until you have a major breakdown in front of the love your live,” he said sadly. “Do you have a girlfriend that you love?”


“Um are you involved with anyone?” I looked up at Zain then down quickly. Does that count?

“Kind of?” he looked up at Zain then back at me.

“Well that is all I see,” he stood up and led us out of the room.

“Thank you,” Zain handed him a bundle of bills.

“OH no it’s on the house!” the man shook his hands and pushed away Zain hands.

“Well thank you, you can have the rest of the day off,” I smiled at the guy then walked away into a room filled with book shelves and fluffy chairs. I collapsed onto the closest to me and sighed.

“A broken heart?!” I asked myself. How is that going to happen? I don’t even have a boyfriend! Zain is nowhere near it! I can’t date someone who is in the closet and what will happen when Jess finds out?! There's no way I can ever date Zain but I am ok with that and Jake loves Jess.

“Um well…” Zain said awkwardly.

“Well that was stupid he wasn’t even closest to being right!” I rolled my eyes. I felt the air around us get even more awkward if that was possible. So I closed my eyes and took a nap.


NO SCHOOL 2MORO!! yaya!!

but that also means another upload!! :D

what do you think so far?!

first person to vote gets this chapter dedicated to them... sorry for last chapter i couldnt find who was the first to vote :/

dont forget to vote :)

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now