12) A Kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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Nick POV

I heard a consist beep. “”Shut it off!” I wined, pulling the pillow of my head. Ahh I can still hear it! “Stop!” I begged. I had a terrible headache my whole body was numb and it was hard to breath. It kept beeping so I finally opened my eyes and was hit in the face with bright yellow lights! I quickly closed my eyes again and slowly opened them letting them adjust to the light.

“Ah!” I screamed and jumped out of the bed but was only pulled back down my wires connected to me pulled me back down. Where was I?!

“Shh, calm down Nicky,” I familiar voice whispered in my ear.

“Jakey?” I whispered back, “What happened?”

“You’re in the hospital, you got a pretty bad beating from your brother…” he said cautiously.

“I'm what?!” I sat up but a shot of pain went through my entire body! “Ow!” I cried out in pain.

“Nick you ok?!” Jake was by my side in a second and helped me lay back down in a non-hurting motion.

“W-why did he d-do it?”

“You two got in a fight about your sexuality and he just wouldn’t stop,” he said slowly, “Don’t you remember?”

I tried to think back but all I remember was getting out of Zain’s car then everything went black. I shook my head no.


“Oh my gosh my poor baby!” my mother came running in flinging her arms everywhere. She carefully gave me a huge hug then pulled back with tears in her eyes.

“Mom, I'm fine,” I gave her a reassuring smile; she smiled back then looked at Jake.

“Had the doctor come in yet?” she asked Jake holding my hand. My dad pulled up a seat for her to sit in right next to me.

“Not since he came in to fix him,” he sighed, “I’ll go look for him,” he left the room.

“How you feeling son?” my dad asked holding onto my other hand.

“Well considering I am in the hospital for something I can’t even remember, I’m doing crappy!” I answered sarcastically till I saw the sad looks on my parents face. “My whole body is numb, I can’t feel a thing,” I dropped the sarcasm.

“Aw honey, it will be ok,” my mom’s soft voice promised me.

The door swung open and in walked a young doctor with short dark brown hair; he was smoking hot! I licked my lips and checked the guy out! Nice body to!

“Um,” he cleared his thought looking away from me. “You must be Mr. and Mrs. Reed?” he stuck out his hand to shake there's, “I am Dr. Steam,” he gave them a warm smile then looked down at his clipboard. While he wasn’t looking my mom gave me an I-know-what-your-thinking look and then a he's-to-old-for-you look; I just shrugged my shoulders and continued drooling over the Dr.

“Your son here has quite a few injuries, I am going to have to ask some mandatory questions here,” he gave my parents a stern look before asking the first question. “Do you have insurance?”

“Yes of course!” my mom pulled out all the required papers out of her purse including my birth certificate, social secretly card, insurance card, and ID. Dr. Steam carefully looked over the documents before handing them back to my mom.

“Very well, can I see both of your IDs or driver license?” after confirming that I am their son he went on to more personal questions, “how did this happen?” he looked at me.

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now