10) A Kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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i felt likie Jess hasnt really been in the story so here you go!! :)


“Were here!”

“Finally! It has been such a long day and I am so tired!” I cried. Zain and I have been on the boat all day and he finally took me home at 9:30PM!

“Oh just admit it you had fun!” he poked my arm. I scrummed around in my seat.

“Stop it, that tickles!” I pushed his hands away.

“Oh does it?!” he leans over with both arms and pokes me like crazy! I jump all around the car tangled in my seat belt.

“Stop!” I laugh trying to undo the belt.

“Not to you admit you had fun!”

“Fine I had fun, now stop before I pee my pants!” he rolled his eyes and pulled away.

“You are no fun!” he wined crossing his arms over his chest.

“Aw poor baby don’t cry!” I coed, poking his arm.

“Leave me alone!”

“Fine,” I reached to open the door finally freeing myself from that death trap called a seat belt.

“No don’t leave me!” he cried pulling me arms away from the door making me face him. His face was only inches from mine; I could smell his minty breath, his blue eyes staring into my soul. “What are you thinking?” he whispered randomly.

“That you are way to close into my personal bubble,” I tried to sound serious but got lost in his eyes, my breath coming out uneven.

“I doubt that you think that is a problem,” he moved in closer. I couldn’t take it anymore I closed the distance between us. His lips on mine, my hands freely went to his neck getting lost in his hair. His hands roamed my body not stopping. “More!” he whispered yelled. Confused I felt his hands slide down my chest and rest on my jeans button for a second before he started to undo it.

“W-what a-are you doing?” I asked shocked and slightly out of breath.

“I need to feel you!” he moaned and unzipped my pants. His hand slipped into my boxers till a light flashed on my house porch. Then the door opened revealing no other but Jess.

“Damnit!” Zain and I screamed at the same time. Zain leaned over and placed a soft kiss right on the tip of the budge in my boxers before zipping up my pants with his teeth! Man this boy was skilled!

“What do I tell him?” I looked at Zain nervously. What if Jess saw?! Zain didn’t have time to answer me a knock came at the passenger side window and I jumped hitting my head on the cars roof. I slowly opened my door and got out. Ignoring Jess I walked around him keeping my head down.

“Where were you all day?!” he demanded.

“Being gay!” not interlay a lie.

“Why were you with Zain?!” he yelled and the whole neighborhood could hear.

“I walked to downtown and I was walking back and he saw me and offered me a ride,”

“That doesn’t sound like him?” he questioned himself.

“Yeah him insulting me the whole time, hitting me a few times doesn’t sound like him,” I snapped getting mad at myself for lying. But I know if I told the truth all hell will break lose.

“Whatever, you had mom and dad worried sick! While here I am with a broken nose and all they care about is there poor feminine gay son getting raped!” he yelled just as loud. Broken nose? Oh yeah the fight replayed in my head from last night. Wait how did I miss the white bandage around his nose?

“Oh you poor baby getting jealous of his brother!”

“Oh yes because I am so jealous that my one and only brother is gay!” he was still shouting causing curious neighbors to come and watch. Most of them know of the situation anyway.

“Don’t make it to obvious!” I yelled back.

“Oh ill try! Go in the house and do your make up or anything to improve your face!”

“We have the same face!”

“My jaw line is stronger then yours and my nose will now be forever croaked!”

“Oh see not even you are perfect!”

“I'm closer then you are!”

“You are so immature!” I rolled my eyes. All I wanted to do was hit him! He makes me so mad!

“Coming from the one who jumps around screaming whenever you see Santa!”

“He brings me free gifts! Your just mad because he always gives you coal!”

“Like I care!”

“You know maybe you just act homophobic because you’re afraid to admit your gay! Just like Zain!” his mouth fell open, speechless. Wait what did I say?! No no no, I did not just say that! Crap Jess and Zain are both going to kill me!

“What did you say?” Jess asked through his clenched teeth. His arms in fist shaking at his sides and his face heating up with anger.

“I said maybe you’re afraid to admit you are gay!”

“After that!”

“Just like I did?” I hoped he didn’t hear me good enough the first time.

“Liar!” he screams so loud that the ground shook. He launched at me throwing his fist like crazy not caring where he hits me just as long as he did.

“Jess stop!”


“Break it up!” a few neighbors yelled but were too scared to get in the middle. I kicked my legs and arms out trying to block Jess stronger blows but failed.

“Oh my gosh! Nicky!” I heard my best friend run over to me. He tugged at Jess arms trying to pull him off but Jess was bigger and stronger. “Zain don’t just stand there help!”Zain is here? Did he hear me? Crap he is probably waiting for his turn to attack me.

Surprisingly Jess was finally lifted off of me and was being held back by Zain and my father. Jake rushed to my side checking for anything broken. I just laid there feeling numb. I couldn’t move or talk. It was like the world around me was on mute. I saw people move around and their lips moving but couldn’t make out any words. The last thing I saw was the ambulance placing me in the back of the ambulance truck before I blanked out.


aww poor nick!! :( but dont worry a lot more drama going to happen!! :D

do you think Jess knows about Zain?!?!

what do you think will happen if or when Jess finds out?!?!

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A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now