16)A Kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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“Nick! Nicky! Wake up!”

“No go away!” I shoved them away. I heard a body hit the floor.

“Ow!” he groaned. I peaked open my eyes and saw Zain rubbing his butt.

“If you think that hurts…” I laughed.

“Shut up and get up! It’s already 1 o’clock; Jess is going to be here soon!”

“What? I might as well stay in my bed, I’m going to die anyway,” I rolled over burying myself in the blankets.

“Nick,” he whispered into my ear, “Please get up?” he kissed me.

“What do I get if I do?”

“Anything you want,” he said seductively then ran out of the room to the bathroom.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I wined after him.

“I'm taking a shower!” he popped his head out of the door then slammed it shut again.

“Whatever I'm going back to bed!”

*knock, knock*

“Who is it?” I moaned at the door already half asleep.

“Jakey!” he said in a duh tone walking into my room.

“Jakey, baby you sober!” I jumped out of bed and hugged him.

“Um yeah, what happened last night?” he asked sheepishly.


“You won’t get up for me but you jump out of bed for him?!” Zain walked back into the room.

“Umm, I thought you were in the shower?!”

“I was about to but then I heard you two. But whatever continue I will be taking a shower now,” he walked back in the bathroom.

“Weirdo,” Jake mumbled under his breath, “So what happened?!” he pulled on my arm.

“Well, um you know that Cade guy?””

“Oh yes of course! Yummy!”

“Um, well you tried to um take you somewhere and um Zain and I tried to stop him but ended up beating the crap out of him,” I grumbled the end part.

“You what?!” he screamed.

“He will be fine!”

“Maybe if it was you who beat him up but Zain?! He wouldn’t stand a chance!”

“Well he kind of didn’t,”

“Nick! Were home!” my mom called me from down stairs. Oh crap Zain did say they were going to be back soon with, Jess!

“Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!” I repeated.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Jess is home from the hospital!”

“Really?” I saw hope and fear in his eyes.

“Nick, get down here!” my dad yelled this time.

“Oh gosh he is going to kill me!”

“What's going on?”Zain walked out of the bathroom dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. I stared at him with my mouth hanging open. He was so sexy! The water dripped down his chest and from his hair in a way the made me want to like him. “Um can u two stop staring at me like that?” he smirked at us and I realized that Jake was staring to.

I walked over to Zain and licked his chest from his belly button all the way up to his collar bone. “Oh get a room!” Jake rolled his eyes then flipped onto my bed. I just giggled.

“Nickolas Reed!” my mom called getting closer to my room.

“Don’t come in I'm naked!” I yelled. I quickly put on jeans over my boxers and a clean shirt then ran out of the room making sure my mom couldn’t look inside.

“Gosh what took you so long?”

“Oh sorry I was on the phone with Jake,” she nodded her head.

We continued walking down the stairs my heart beating loud in my chest. Mom squeezed my hand, “Breath Nicky, he's not going to do anything,”

I took a deep breath bit it didn’t seem to do anything. We walked into the room and I froze as Jess locked eyes with me.

“What is he doing here?” he growled.

“I live here!”

“Then I don’t!”

“What?” my mom and dad asked at the same time.

“If he lives here then I'm not!” Jess walked out of the room and out the front door. My mom started to cry and my dad went after him. I sat down on the couch and stared at the floor. I am the cause of all this. I'm breaking up this family. If it was for me being gay I will still have a brother.

I felt a hot tear roll down my check followed shortly by tons more. “It will all be ok,” Jakes whispers in my ear. He was hugging me; I was practically sitting in his lap.

“No it won’t!” I argued back. “It’s my entire fault!”

“No this is all Jess’s fault,”

“No!”I yelled, “is I wasn’t gay my brother wouldn’t hate me! None of this would have happened! I ruined my family!” I buried myself farther into Jake crying harder now.

“Nicky you can’t blame this for you being gay. If you weren’t gay you wouldn’t have me, or Zain or any of the friends you have now,”

“No but I would have my brother, I would be sharing his popularity at school, I would have a girlfriend, and the whole school as my friends!”

“Nicky please don’t blame yourself, please?” he begged me. I pulled back to look at him and saw the sadness I was causing him.

“If you didn’t know me you wouldn’t be so sad right now! You wouldn’t have to deal with all the crap that I caused, pain, worry, guilt…”

“What happened to all the happy memories we have? The good time, the laughs, inside jokes?”

“You could have that with anyone,”

“But with anyone else I couldn’t do this,” he pulled me back and stared into my eyes before his kissed me for the second time this summer!


1st person to comment gets chapter decidaction!! but you have to answer this question in the comment; who do you think should end up with who and why?? (ex: Jake with Nick; NIck with Zain; Jake with Jess; Jake with Cade...)

if any wanna make a new cover i would love it!! :D

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now