14) A Kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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ok this was only 3 pages on word so its rlly short sorry idk what i want to do with the rest of the story so i guess its kind of a writers block :/ if you have any ideas on what to happen next comment!! dont forget to vote, and fan!! also im 2 lazy 2 edit so srry 4 mistakes

and thank you so much for every reader!! evry vote!! and every comment!! :DD



“This is the outfit!” I chipped excitedly. I looked in the mirror I was wearing black skinny jeans with silver high tops Nikes a silver sparkly top with a black leather jacket and black and silver chains. I looked smoken!

“That looks sexy!” Jake came up behind me purring. I wiggled my eyebrows at him. “Zain won’t be able to keep his hands off you!”

“Yeah so now that we got my outfit what are you going to wear?!”

“What about I wear the opposite of you?!”

“Jakey were not a gay couple!” I made a gagging face.

“I know but I thought it would be cute,” he whispered then walked into the closest. Ha he walked into the closet.

 He then walked out of the closest, again! Ha look at me being Mr. Comedian. He was holding black dress pants, a black blazer and a yellow tie. “What about this?”

“Um I don’t know but try it on,” two minutes later he was wearing the weirdest outfit I have ever seen but it oddly looked good in it.


“You look extremely gay!” I laughed but nodded my head so he knows I like it. He stumped off into the bathroom and came back with his hair gelled all over the place to get that messy look. “You ready? Let’s go,”

“What about Zain?”

“Picking him up on the way,” I yelled running down the stairs. We jumped in the car and instantly blasted the radio. I pulled up to Zain’s house and he was outside waiting, he was dress casually in black jeans and a gray t-shirt.

“Hey,” he mumbled getting in the car.

“Yo! Home boy what's happenin’?” I asked in ghetto voice. He rolled his eyes and I winked at him.

We entered the club that was vibrating from the heavy bass, a huge grin spread across mine and Jakes face. We automatically grabbed a hold of each other’s hands pushing and squeezing our way onto the dance floor.

After what felt like forever we finally stopped and went to the bar. I noticed a hot blond sitting at the bar; I elbowed Jake and nodded my head towards the guy. The guy noticed us and sent us a wink then got up and disappeared into the crowd of people.

Zain looked like he was going to go crazy but ordered us drinks chugging his down a record time and was already on his second. “Zain, you ok?”

“Yeah fine,” he mumbled with his glass at his lips. Those sexy lips that just screamed, “Kiss me!”

He took two more cups while I was on my second but before I could finish he grabbed my hand, “Let’s dance!” he growled into my ear and I couldn’t refuse. I sent Jake an apologic smile then slipped onto the dance floor.

Jakes POV

I watched as Zain dragged Nick away and sighed. I knew Zain is just using him, yeah he might like him but you can tell he is just going to hurt him in the end. Zain just figured out he was gay and Nick was the only one there he could go to. Or maybe I am just jealous? But why I don’t really like either one of them. Nick is too much work for me to deal with all the time and Zain is just so uptight about everything.

“Ahem? What you drinking?” I looked up and saw the blond guy standing over me smiling.

“What?” I asked shocked.

“What are you drinking?” he chuckled.

“Oh um Shelly temper,” I answered, embarrass.

“Oh about something more crazy?” he smirked, “two shoots of straight vodka,” he order from the bartender.

“I don’t drink,”

“It’s not going to kill you,”

“What if I get drunk and get in a car crash and die. Or if I get intoxicated?” he just laughed.

“Here, I promise nothing will happen,” he handed me the glass.

“Fine but if anything happens I am holding you accountable,” I took a tiny sip of the drink, it was a sickening taste. I made a face of disgust.

“C’mon it’s not that bad,” and with that he drowned the cup down. Manning up I did the same.

20 minutes later

“Chug! Chug! Chug!” the crowd shouted at me. I jumped in the bar grabbing the bottle of vodka and chugged I down. The crowd cheered.

“Yeah!” I yelled and ripped off my shirt.

There was some wolf whistles and people handing me money yelling, “Take it off!” smiling I undid my belt, swung it around in the air a few times then wrapped it around the blond kids neck. Making what I think was a seductive face I pulled him closer to me up onto the bar.

“Ok that enough,” he laughed and jumped off. He reached to help me down but I just pushed his hands away shaking my head no. he pulled me over his shoulder off the bar.

“No,” I hit his back but not hard enough to hurt him. He still hasn’t put me back down; I smacked his butt as hard as I could.

“Ow!” he cried setting me back down on his feet. Finally I took a step away from him and looked at my surroundings. How did we end up in a parking lot?! I started to walk back to the club but ended up tripping over nothing. “Hey, where do you think you’re going?”

“My friends,” I got up and tried walking again.

“Your drunk why don’t I take you home?” he asked.

“I don’t even know you,”

“Cade Marion,” he smiled.

“Jake Lloyd,”

“Jakey! What are you doing out here?” Nick skipped over to me with Zain following behind him. “You scared me! Where the hell have you been?!” he slapped me on the head.

“What was that for?” I rubbed my aching head.

“For leaving with a stranger while drunk!”

“Psh whatever!”  I walked away from them but ended up falling again. I laid there staring up at the sky too lazy to get up. My eyelids got heavy and I fell to sleep.

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now