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I was blown to the back wall and the Levin sword thrown out of my hand. It clattered to the floor and I just reached it before one of the clones picked it up.
"is that all? Snivelling child!" PBG shouted over to me. I got up and ran at him, just to be kicked in the chest. I fell to the floor, winded and a little disorientated from hitting my head.
"Oh how the mighty have fallen, hero." he taunted. I fell for the taunt and was met with the back of his hand across my face, knocking me again to the floor. With a mighty swipe, Link defeated one of the clones and came to stand me up.
"Oh how quaint! We now have one of your buddies to contend with as well!" Link stopped me from running again and instead advanced with his sword. I did the same and we moved PBG back almost to the wall before he actually fought. He was skilled, but not skilled enough to take down two swordsmen. Link swiped low, making PBG jump while he deflected a jab from me. I used my magic to strengthen my sword and simultaneously to prepare a beam to be shot. PBG did the same thing with his sword and before long we were both fully powered up like before. PBG used the flat of his sword and hit Link on the cheek, causing him to recoil. It was at this point that Chrom slayed the second clone and began making his way over to help. I jumped back about a meter and turned to fire. PBG also turned and pointed directly at me. As I fired, PBG dodged and shot at Chrom. I managed to shoot his beam, deflecting it away and into the wall. I wasn't quick enough. A fragment of the beam stayed on target and hit Chrom in the chest. He instantly flew back and landed on the floor with a thud. PBG laughed with his hands on his hips and head thrown back, completely ignoring Link that had gotten behind him. Link plunged his master sword through PBG's chest from behind and the laughter instantly ceased. I came up in front of him and ran him through from the front with the sword that had been forged in Chrom's Kingdom. I charged and loosed a beam of magic within his body and PBG exploded in a flash of white light.

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