Chapter 1 - Meeting Your Soulmate

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Today was the day that Ayano Aishi would meet her new senpai. This story will now be from her POV.

       It was about 3:30pm. School was officially over and it was time for club activities to start. I was not in a club yet so I looked around for one. I got lost in thought while walking and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Then I bumped into someone. I fell down considering this guy was running at quite a high speed. "I am so sorry! Can I help you up?" he said. I gazed into his eyes. They were gray and perfect as well as his face which was pleasing to the eyes. I had decided right then and there. He would be my senpai and I would confess to him when I got to know him better. I smiled and grabbed his hand which was stretched out toward me. "I'm Budo Masuta, Leader of the Martial Arts club! Right now for club activities we are running around the school 5 times and then doing some sparing. You could even join us if you want, even if you aren't in the club!" he says. "I'm Ayano Aishi, in class 3-2. We are in the same class I think. Would you mind if I joined this club?" I ask him. 

"Why of course you can! All we ask is that you show up for class activities at least once or twice a week. It's also nice to have someone in my class around. Stay here, let me get the others and introduce them to you." He says running downstairs. I twirl around. Yes! Go me! I got to talk to him without studdering like a idiot and I joined the club he was in! He's in my class too! Perfect! Oh, he's coming back. "Let's introduce ourselves" He says proudly. "I'm Mina Rai. Second year, class 1. Martial Arts level brown belt. Pleased to make your acquaintance." she says. "I'm Ayano Aishi, pleased to meet you Mina-chan. "I am Shima Shita. First Year, Class One. Martial Arts level yellow belt. Nice to meet you Ayano-chan." "I am Sho Kunin, Second-year class 2. Martial Arts level purple belt. Welcome to the club!" "I am Juku Ren. I am a first year class 1. Martial Arts level yellow belt. I'm glad you've joined us!" He says. I bow and turn to Budo who was now standing next me.

 I blush slightly as he turns to speak. "Well Ayano, since you are a new member, we will take the day off and celebrate! We can ask for permission to leave school grounds and then we can head to Sisuta Town and get a bite to eat. Your choice! I know everyone has got their funds covered, but I'll pay for you." he says. I gasp. Not only is he kind but he takes care of other people unsure of their situation. Even though I'm not exactly rich I'm and not poor either. Oh Budo...I love you already. All of a sudden, Mina goes up to Budo. She winks and attempts to hold hands, but he pulls back. She is alarmed and steps back in shame. I didn't really that bad because of the jealousy I suppose but we soon left after Juku ran back from the teacher. "I picked a local noodle bar. It was called Chou Chou. Anyhow, when we arrived, the manager spotted me.

 "Ahhh, my main customer, Ayano." he says. The manager is my uncle but I call him Manager because his name is too long. My cousin Tanaka also spotted me. He motioned for me to go around back. "Um, Ayano, he's on a first name basis already?" Budo asks. "Yeah, he's my uncle. Maybe I can get some of you discounts or on the house!" I say. "Hold on, I gotta do something" I say. I run to the back where the kitchen was. I hugged him and answered a few questions. I told him about my new club and the guy I liked. He was happy for me that I finally made some new friends who i could hang out with. Then I went back. Everyone had sat down and Mina was next to him. He had to use the bathroom so I ordered my regular and waited until he got back. He sat on the edge and I appeared and sat next to him. Mina shot me a sarcastic happy look. I shot one back.

 As soon as my uncle came back, he gave us our noodles. "Its on the house!" he says smiling. "Thanks Manager!" I say winking. I smiled a bit. He always made me smile since my mom and dad disappeared. I live with my best friend Midori Gurin and her mom. I call her mom too sometimes because she treats me like a daughter. Midori treats me like a sister and we are a big family I guess. I didn't live with Tanaka because their house was going to be filled with guests who'd be spending the night so his quarters were often filled. He wouldn't have a permanent room I suppose. He was always so busy. Living with Midori wasn't bad either because she was the social type and her family was rich, we always went on expensive trips and exciting new places! "So tell us about yourself!" Shima says. "My birthday is on Friday, in two days.. Uh..I like drawing and photography." I say. "You should show us what you've got!" Budo says. "I live with Midori, so I have to ask to have company.

 I don't wanna bother her mom. But you know we could always go to my old house, it belongs to me because it was in the family will, but Mom says I shouldn't live by myself. It could be our clubhouse or hangout or something if you'd like!" I say. "If its okay with the club, and if its okay with you, that can be arranged." Budo says, "All in favor, raise your hand!" he says taking a bite of his ramen. All hands go up, even his, except for one. Mina. When she saw everyone else she reluctantly raised her hand. I knew she did it for Budo's sake. "Well, when you guys are finished, we can head out I have to talk to Tanaka a bit. I'll be back in about 5 to 10 minutes." I say.

Author's Note:

Sorry to leave it here! This is the intro chapter, I will try to make them longer in the future! Please rate,review or follow me! Thanks so much!

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