Chapter 12

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"I want you to be my-" Budo began to say, but felt a bit motion sick. We had been going in circles the past few seconds at a fast speed and to be honest, it was making me feel sick. Soon it came to a screeching halt. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you have enjoy this ride. Please exit the coasters, and proceed to the ladies and men's restrooms to dry off. There is a nearby gift shop to buy clothes if desired. Thank You and enjoy the rest of your time here." The intercom said. What was he gonna say? Mina approached us again and smiled slightly. "Should we go to the gift shop over there?" she asks. "Yeah, that would be great, I'm soaked!" He said walking toward the place. I wasn't really that affected by the water, but my body would be. I got my purse, and pulled out my wallet. "May I help you, Ma'am?" the cashier asked. "Not now, but thank you." I say smiling slightly. This was the most fun I've had in a long time. My smile wasn't really that faked. I bought a towel, and some jeans with a new shirt. I walked to the bathroom, to put it on when I was stopped by Mina. "I don't believe you. You kissed him?!" She started blabbing about something. It's about time I end this. I smiled at her. "What is there to smile about?" Mina asked frustrated. I took my hammer out my purse, and slammed it into her thick skull. "Didn't I warn you..? You know Mina, I was actually going to consider letting you live, but obviously now its not possible. Goodnight, have a painful, eternal sleep." What a clothes are all bloody. Good thing I bought these clothes.

Author's Note:

I thought I sent this out, but it never went through. Its very short, and I'm sorry. I'm working on the next rival. Like I said, I'm having a serious case of writer's block. In the future I may need suggestions. Please forgive me. :( Have a good day and I'll try and update more frequently! Next chapter will be way longer! I am trying to make promises I can keep so bare with me for just a while longer. Thank you all for coming this far! I can't believe we hit 7k views!

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