Chapter 14 - Revenge Best Served With Kokona (Bonus POV)

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(If you don't like animal cruelty, I suggest you don't read this chapter.)

Kokona's POV

I couldn't believe that Ayano kissed Budo in front of me like that! I thought I taught her a lesson. I want to pull all her hair out but I'm still a little hurt from the last fight. Saki had to go to the hospital too and still had a big purple bruise on her stomach. Now that I think about it, when Ayano kissed Budo, he didn't resist. Does that mean.....he's gone....? Ayano inched toward  me and took a step closer. "Get away...." I said weakly. "Get on your knees and tell me why I should. You got me suspended, you got Midori hurt, at the cost of YOUR actions, you got your own BEST FRIEND hurt as well." she said. "Midori betrayed  me! She loved Budo too! One of my social butterflies even heard her mention it to Pippi!" I said defensively. "She was referring to me, not her. Midori has a crush on someone else." she said in a calm yet scary dim and stern tone. I backed up. We beat the crap out of Midori for...nothing? "I'll admit that your suspension was my fault." I said. "How can you even stand in front of Saki like everything is fine. I hadn't heard you apologize once." she said condescendingly. It was true.....I hadn't apologized. Saki did so much for me. She even helped me get out debt. "I'm so sor-" I was cut off by her. "Kokona is my best friend. Whether she apologizes and thanks me or not. I'm with her." she said in my defense. She cracked a small smile. I glanced at her. "Ayano, I gotta go home, I got a text from my mom. Can ya meet me there?" Budo asked. "Sure thing." she replied. He finally left. "It's about time you listened to me. You see your precious kitty cat over there?" she said picking up Whiskers. He struggled as she pulled out a pocket knife. If you don't do as I say, he'll die." she threatened. W-WHAT? "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" I yelled. "I just want you to feel every ounce of pain that people I cared about felt. This useless cat doesn't even add up to anything. Maybe about 1/20" she said. "Fine...I'll do what ever you want." I said weakly while a tear dropped down my face. "First get on your hands and knees and lick my shoe. You are desperate and you should know what desperate people do." she said while an evil smirk crossed her face. I got on my knees. As I leaned down I heard her slightly laugh and she brought her foot to my face. "The bottom, lick the bottom." she said. "But I-" she pulled her foot away and then went searching for a minute. She dropped a roach(Author's Note: If you don't know what a roach is, it's a huge ugly beetle related bug. ) on the ground and squashed it and put her foot back in my face. "You didn't have to resist. Now lick the bottom of my shoe before this kitten is next." she said holding the neck to it's gut. No...! I licked the bottom of the shoe and spit out the remaining roach leg. "See?" That wasn't so hard." she said now staring at Saki. "Get up and kick Saki in the bruise. You should lift your shirt so I can see. If you miss, this kitten will die." she said calmly. Thee kitten screamed and struggled at this point. Whiskers....! Saki pulled up her shirt ready for the kick. "No soft kicks either or things will get complicated." she said laughing. I closed my eyes and kicked her as hard as I could, on the side of her bruise. I tried to avoid the center. She fell to the ground and cried out in pain. "I specifically said, no tricks." she said digging her knife into whiskers. He screamed and cried and struggled but he couldn't get away. He hadn't died and I knew she specifically avoided any vital spots. "WHISKERS!!" I screamed. "Whoops." she said sarcastically. "Please let Kokona and her cat alone! I'll do whatever you want. Leave her out of this!" Saki yelled. "No can do. You see- Kokona is responsible for a lot, and well, I can't let her get away with it." she said. I cried. "Please...!" she begged bowing down to her. "Hm. Fine. Don't you worry girls. I'll be in contact," she laughed throwing Whiskers in the air. He landed as the knife dug deeper in his body. "Nooooooooo!" I yelled. He screamed and struggled and then calmed down finally. His breaths were short. "Hold on Whiskers! We have to pull out the knife!" I said. Saki looked weak and hurt. She held him still as I took it out. Whiskers screamed and screamed and scratched and then went limp when it came out. "Whiskers...?" I said trying to feel for a breath. I couldn't find one. That meant... I killed him...I killed my own kitten, my pet, my friend...! "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" I yelled into the night air.

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