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Charlie👾: I'm fucking bored

moose: it's 2 am Charlie. I have a test tomorrow

Charlie👾: then why aren't you asleep

moose: fuck off

cas💦: I'm so tired there are tears coming out of my eyes

«dean»: what

moose: is everyone awake?????

cas💦: pretty much

Charlie👾: except for Gabe

✨gabey✨: you were saying

«dean»: aren't we all in college? why are we up

cas💦: idfk 

moose: we can get to know each other better I guess

«dean»: yeah, sure, let's have a sleepover. We can talk about our feelings and braid Sam's hair

moose: I would like that actually

✨gabey✨: I bet you would Sammy 

Charlie👾: the fuck does that even mean

cas💦: I'm done with everyone here

moose: let's just start out with a simple question: is anyone in a relationship?

Charlie👾: yep I'm dating this cute ass girl named Jo 

cas💦: no I'm just a smol lonely gay

«dean»: well maybe this bisexual can make you little less lonely ;)))))

cas💦: ;))))))))

✨gabey✨: there's a girl named kali who wants to get in my pants but little does she know I like dudes

✨gabey✨: wbu moosie 

moose: I'm dating a girl named jess 

moose: we aren't that close tho. I'm pretty sure she's cheating on me

Charlie👾: that sucks

«dean»: I think that makes Sam the only straight one here

moose: I'm pan so fuck u

✨gabey✨: damn Dean you can't just assume things

cas💦: daaaammmmmnnnnnnnnnnn dean 

cas💦: back at it again with the assuming

«dean»: I'll slap you

cas💦: kinky

Charlie👾: I feel like I'm intruding on something private here

✨gabey✨: don't have to tell me twice

moose: I always feel like I'm intruding on something private with them

✨gabey✨: where did they go???

moose: I think they're on a private dm 

Charlie👾: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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