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balth🍆: hey there babe ;)))

cassie💫: ugh what

balth🍆: don't be so mean, Cassie!

cassie💫: fuck off

balth🍆: feisty, I like it ;)

cassie💫 added deanie👽 to the chat

deanie👽: stay the fuck away from my boyfriend

balth🍆: who are you???

deanie👽: do the math, assclown

balth🍆: so you're cassie's new boy toy?

cassie💫: i would hardly say new. we've been dating for almost a year

balth🍆: well i'm sure that there's nothing you can do if i pop into Cas's dorm at some point

deanie👽: he doesn't know does he

cassie💫: nope

balth🍆: know what??????

cassie💫: I moved to Kansas like two months ago dumbass

balth🍆: WHAT???

cassie💫: how do you not know this

balth🍆: Cassie, we used to have so much fun together!

cassie💫: yeah, two years ago

cassie💫: then i found you fucking someone in my bed

deanie👽: wow what a fucking dick

balth🍆: maybe I wouldn't have cheated on you if you would just have sex with me whenever I wanted!!!

cassie💫: my body, my rules

cassie💫: go to hell

cassie💫 left the chat

deanie👽: alright douchenozzle I'm only gonna say this once so you better fucking listen.

deanie👽: if I catch you trying to talk to Cas again, I won't hesitate driving to Colorado to beat your scrawny ass into the ground.

deanie👽: I've got my fucking eye on you.

deanie👽 left the chat

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