small update

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hey guys.

I know I've been really inactive lately and I guess I'm writing this to let you guys know why???

My fellow American readers know. I guess my international readers probably know too, even though they're not affected by it. You all know what I'm talking about, right?

You guessed it. Trump. He fucking won. Guys, I'm a gay female. I'm scared.

That's not an excuse I guess. I mean, even before Trump won I was still inactive. I'm really bad about updating fanfictions because I procrastinate all the time. If I'm making excuses, one is that I've kinda been building my self confidence up again. As you can tell from the author notes on my last chapter, that hasn't been going too well.

I guess I also wrote this to say that I'm here. I might be inactive but if anyone needs to talk or something I'm available. Especially in the light of the election. Even if you just want to talk about random shit, I'm listening.

Life isn't horrible, though. I'm meeting Misha in February at Nashville Con, which is fucking amazing. I might also meet my best friend over the summer, so that's exciting too. 

I'll probably update Sucker For Pain tonight, and I'm also writing a new destiel fanfiction, so look out for that.

If you want to find me on account where I'm not inactive, here's my social media platforms.

Tumblr: castielthegayassangel
Instagram: starchildcastiel
Snapchat: bageltrickster
Twitter: theimpalasbaby

Thanks for being so supportive. I'll see y'all later.

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