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Charlie👾: Cas.

angel bean: what?

Charlie👾: please forgive Dean.

Charlie👾: you know he didn't mean it like that

angel bean: this isn't about what Dean said

Charlie👾: what is it about?

angel bean: I feel like I'm just not enough

angel bean: every time I talk to him he says it's fine but I know it's not

angel bean: Dean deserves someone who can make him happy off the internet

Charlie👾: but you do make him happy off the internet!

Charlie👾: how do you think Jo knew about you before you were introduced?

Charlie👾  added JoJo👌 to the chat

Charlie👾: jo, how much does Dean talk about Cas?

JoJo👌: all the time

JoJo👌: he literally never shuts up about you, Cas.

Charlie👾: see?

angel bean: dating on the internet never works though

Charlie👾: if we can do it, so can you

JoJo👌: Charlie and I have been dating for almost a year

angel bean: Dean probably won't forgive me.

JoJo👌: do you know what deans doing right now? He's throwing everything in his room and cursing himself for what he said. When I walked in he was sitting on the ground staring at what you sent to him with the most horrified face I've ever seen on him.

👌: he cares about you and if you care about him then you need to talk to him 

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