10 Days

716 18 3

"H-Hello! My name is Jang Heeyeon. Nice to meet you all." I managed to say in front of everyone.

I just moved to an all-girls school today. My dad had to move me because he was worried about this guy who liked me.

The homeroom teacher pointed me to an empty seat near the window. Beside me was a very pretty girl.

She smiled. "Hi! I'm Lee Chayoung. Nice to meet you!"

I smiled back and focused on what the teacher was saying.

After class, some of the girls came to me to ask questions.

"Heeyeon-ssi, what school did you come from?" A girl with blonde hair asked. She looked like a japanese doll. I later found out that her name was Michiko and she was really Japanese.

"Sincheon High." I answered her question and she asked why I transferred. I just said that my father wanted this.

"But wasn't it better at a coed school? You could've had a boyfriend!" A girl named Jimin asked.

"I don't really interact with them unless I need to so it's fine." I said.

We just kept talking. I learned that the two of them including two sunbaes (senior) and a hoobae (junior) are popular in this school because they're a singing group, much like an idol group in the school.

When the two of them excused themselves to go practice, I decided to call Dohee. She's my bestfriend. Very clumsy but she's so good at everything. I miss her.

(Check out my story Little Melodies for Dohee's story)

She finally picked up the call after 5 rings. That girl //sigh.

"Ya! Kim Dohee! What took you so long to pick up?" I scolded.

"Sorry. I was busy doing something." Her voice sounded like she's been crying. Maybe she got bullied again. A frown formed on my lips.

I know that she'll just lie if I ask her what happened so I'll keep it for later. "I miss you //sob."

"If you miss me then you should come back here!" She said. She hated the idea of me transferring.

"You know why I can't. He scares me." I said. A shiver ran down my spine just thinking about that guy.

Dohee's sigh was audible through the phone. "I've been asking my mom to transfer me. I really need to."

"You should! Don't let those people in the dance team hurt you! By the way, how's SILVER? Any new songs?" I asked. We came up with her alter ego. SILVER. A mysterious internet singer.

"None. I might write one soon though! I gotta go. I miss you!" She said then hung up. SHE DIDN'T EVEN LET ME SAY GOODBYE.

I should probably go home now. I thought to myself.

As I was going out, I noticed some of the girls who were going back to the room talking about this guy who was waiting outside the school gates.

Fear splattered all over my body. I was scared that it could be him. OH YONGSOO. Could he have already figured out my new school? Isn't that too fast? Even for him.

I went out as quietly and low key as possible. I don't want to see him. He scares me.

"Excuse me!" The boy called out. I felt my chest become lighter when I realized that it wasn't him.

I turned around, only to look up because he was too tall for me. He looked like one of those bad boys I saw in dramas.

"Sorry but do you know Minseo? I've been waiting here for 30 minutes and she hasn't come out." He asked.

A car suddenly stopped beside me and the boy. My car's here. "Sorry but I'm a transfer student so I don't who Minseo is." I said politely and went inside the car.

"Who was that?" My driver asked. Dad told him to keep an eye on me.

"I don't know. He was just waiting outside the gate for someone." I said. He just nodded in reply and drove.

When I got home, I ran up to my room to change. Once I opened my phone, I immediately regretted it.

Heeyeon! Why did you transfer? Are you avoiding me? Don't. If you do, I'll get sad. I miss you. Don't worry! I'll find a way to get inside your school so we can be together. Forever. Love, Yongsoo.

P.S. I have a gift for you. I left it with your maid. If you don't open it, you know what will happen to Dohee.

How the hell did he get my new number? This is the 3rd time I had to change my number because he keeps finding a way to get it.

Out of frustration I threw my phone. When will he stop torturing me? The last time he sent me a gift and I didn't open it, Dohee was pushed down the stairs.

I noticed the pink gift box on top of my table. This must be the gift he meant. I don't even want to open it.

After Dohee's accident, I decided to open the gift he sent me. It contained a dead rose. The second one contained a photo album which was full of my candid photos in random places. There were photos of me while changing for gym class.

Just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine. I hate him for terrorizing me!

It wasn't all bad with Yongsoo before. Things just started to get out of hand after a year of friendship.

I opened the box and shock mixed with fear filled my eyes. How did he get this? I remember throwing them away after I decided to give up on ballet. Where did he get my old ballet shoes?

Suddenly, my phone received a notification. When I opened it, it was from him.

By the way, who was the boy you were talking to? Don't talk to him again. I'll get jealous and I might do something bad again. Please don't make me do that Heeyeon. I won't hurt him if you don't talk to him anymore.

I don't want to live like this anymore.

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now