4 Days

283 10 3

Yesterday's incident was not exactly a fun experience. What we went through was traumatic.

After everything, I brought my friends home with me. I called Dohee and asked her to come as well.

I had to explain what was going on to everyone. They're already involved so they have the right to know about Yongsoo.

Before anything else, I talked to my dad and he took all the necessary measures to ensure that what happened yesterday won't happen again.

At my house, we all gathered up in my room and I told them everything. They were quiet after a while.

The silence scared me. I thought they would hate me for putting them in danger and that scared me more than Yongsoo's threats.

"Are you okay?" Minseo asked. "How have you dealing with this? Aren't you afraid?"

"I am afraid. Very. That's actually why I didn't want to get involved with people after I transferred. I didn't want to bring in more people into this mess. I brought in Dohee and I know I kinda ruined life for her but I'm happy that she's still here for me." I explained. "It's not easy. There was a time when I didn't sleep for three days because I was scared that if I closed my eyes, he would come for me." I stopped myself from crying.

"That guy will do everything to make sure that I will belong to him. He almost killed a boy who liked me." This bit was the hardest for me to say because I don't ever want to remember that moment.

My eyes lingered to Mingyu. He looked angry. I felt like he could punch someone at any moment. I won't allow Yongsoo to do anything to Mingyu. Or any of my friends for that matter.

He suddenly looked at me and the anger in his eyes disappeared. His eyes looked soft and caring.

All the girls came to hug me. The boys came in for a hug too. Everyone was comforting each other and it felt like family. I felt safe around them.

"Please don't hate me." I said. I was crying in their arms. I'm thankful to have them but I'm afraid that I won't be seeing them anymore.

When they all left, my dad told me that its time to move abroad. I will be moving to London with Mr. Nam and Miss Park. He also arranged some security for me.

I don't want to leave yet but I can't let my friends get hurt. Yongsoo is currently under "house arrest" according to my dad. He doesn't have actual police men monitoring him but knowing that he's at home and someone's watching over him, that's a relief. For now at least.

After that, I scheduled to meet Yongsoo's mom tomorrow so I can ask her about the other girl that Yongsoo was obsessed with before I came into the picture.

I realized yesterday that I never got to ask his mom this question. Maybe I'll find another way to escape from Yongsoo by talking to his mother.

Something other than going abroad. Something that will give me the chance to stay and get to know Mingyu and the others more.

However, if I have no choice, I will leave and stay away. It's better than losing everyone I love.

That's why I decided that I'll pick up the courage to tell Mingyu how I feel about him before I leave. I'm not exactly sure if I love him but I know that he makes me smile and he makes my heart flutter.

I'm currently watching the girls practice. I'm so happy that they don't hate me. I don't know what I would do if they start to hate me for puting them in danger.

"Let's take a break first then start singing practice." Gyeoul said since she's the leader.

They went to sit down beside me. "Are you okay?" Gaeul asked. I smiled subtly and nodded.

"Thank you." They suddenly looked at me with confusion. "For not hating me." I pushed back my tears.

They hugged me tightly. "It's not your fault. Let's protect each other!" Minseo said and the others agreed.

"We'll just buy food guys." The twins said. Michiko and Jimin continued to practice when the twins left and Minseo stayed beside me.

"You know... I wish my brother would date you." She said out of the blue so I wasn't ready at all. I remained silent. I didn't know what to say.

"My brother needs someone who will take care of him. He keeps taking care of others and forgets about himself but when he met you, he started to care about how he looked like and now he looks bright and happy. Before he just looked tired and ugly." She explained and we both laughed.

I smiled at her. "I like him." I suddenly confessed to his sister. Heeyeon?! What is wrong with you?!

"Wa-it. I d-did not mean to say that. At least not right now." Minseo just laughed at me while I was struggling to find an excuse about what I just said. I just sighed and gave up.

"Honestly though. I think I really do like him." I said. "Isn't this weird? Us talking about me liking your brother?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?" Minseo seemed really happy about what I said. "I support you! I hope you guys become a couple." She hugged me tightly after.

"C-Can't bre-athe." I struggled to say. She quickly let go of me and said sorry then we just laughed it off.

Heeyeon! The universe is already telling you that you should confess to Mingyu. Even his sister wants you to be together. What more are you waiting for? I told myself.

But... I remembered that I'm leaving soon. What do I do? I wanna be with Mingyu and with everyone but I don't want to make Mingyu wait and have long distance relationship. He deserves more.

I don't deserve him.

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now