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"Heeyeon... I know it's really hard but I beg for you to keep living life as normally as possible." Mrs. Oh said. We are at this private area in the cafe that Dohee's aunt owns.

She looked very sad and concerned about what's happening but to ask me to try my best to keep living normally is such a selfish thing to do.

I know that she loves her son very much but I've been struggling for a long time and I just can't live like this anymore. Anger welled up inside me but I chose to hide it and stayed calm.

"Mrs. Oh, your son has been tormenting me for a long time now and I just want to know how to save myself. You told me before that there was a girl before me, right? How did she do it?" I begged.

She has to tell me. I need to know how to save myself and the other people that are important to me.

She let out a heavy sigh. "You don't need to worry anymore. Yongsoo is now under surveillance and I doubt that he can find a way to reach you again. So just keep living like how you normally would." She said and this really ticked me off.

"BUT I WANT TO FUCKING KNOW!" I know that she's older but she's being too selfish. "JUST PLEASE TELL ME." I was already crying.

I couldn't help it. I want to live normally without being anxious or paranoid or scared.

Again, she released a heavy sigh. She had a pained expression but her eyes showed something else in them. It showed fear. What was she afraid of?

"Listen. There's only one way out..." She paused. "Dying..."

I must have looked very confused. "The last girl I told you about... there was another girl before her. She was killed in a car accident with her parents and that how Yongsoo moved to the girl before you." She said.

"What about the girl before me? She died too?" I asked. Fear creeping in. His mom slowly nodded. "How?"

"She hanged herself. She couldn't stand the trouble Yongsoo was causing for her and we found out that she had problems with her family already so it led her to that situation." Mrs. Oh said.

I was speechless. And scared. Tears were still racing down my cheeks.

This means that I can never get away from him unless I get into an accident of some sort. I've never felt the urge to end my life either and plus I'm scared of dying.

I just want to live happily ever after like those princesses in fairytales. Unfortunately, my life doesn't seem like it'll have a happy ending.

I was supposed to go to school right after my short conversation with Mrs. Oh but I just couldn't bring myself to go. I don't want to look all gloomy when I meet my friends.

Besides, there's no formal lesson so I might as well make the most out of it. I asked my driver to drop me off at Myeongdong so I can walk around.

While walking around, I found this jewelry shop that let's you customize it. I asked them to make a locket with a compass inside.

I had to wait for an hour for it to be made so I went to this coffee shop and grabbed a cup of iced caramel macchiato, a slice of oreo cheesecake, and a cup of ice cream.

Screw diet or trying to look good. I'm marked for death anyway so might as well enjoy the little things.

Once I got to my seat, I brought out my notebook and pen. I started writing letters for everyone. The last letter I wrote was for Mingyu. This is the first time that I've written something so cheesy. I guess knowing that you'll die soon does this to you.

Once I finished my food and letters, I passed by the jewelry shop and made my way back to school. It was a little over lunch time when I got there and everyone was still busy.

"Hey! Where have you been? We were lookig for you everywhere." Jimin said, she sounded worried. Everyone looked worried.

I smiled. "Don't worry. I was just bored so I snuck out for a while. Sorry for making you worry." They all let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

They said they were going back to practice since their performance is tomorrow. I was following them but at a very slow pace.

I stopped walking when my phone vibrated. It was a message that made my frown disappear.

I'll see you tomorrow! Since your school will be open to all, the boys thought that we could visit you girls. Let's hang out! This is Mingyu by the way in case you weren't able to save my number before.

Despite the happiness I felt from reading Mingyu's text message, I still felt lost inside. I didn't know what to do or how to keep living knowing that I will have an obsessed stalker with me for the rest of my life.

Instead of going to the dance studio, I went up to the rooftop. I'm not trying to kill myself. I just need some fresh air and time to think.

I put my chin on top of my folded arms and admired the scenery of the school. I could see the football field, the nearby bakery, a guy in a hood outside the school gate... Wait. What?

I thought Yongsoo was locked in his house? Why is he there? As fear came back to me, my phone rang and I saw that it was my dad calling.

"I have good news!" He sounded very energetic and happy but I wasn't. YONGSOO IS OUTSIDE MY SCHOOL RIGHT NOW. "Yongsoo now has police monitoring him. I talked to his mom and we talked it out. She said that she felt sorry for you."

I couldn't smile or react. I hung up and ran to the gate. When I got there, the hooded guy was there but it wasn't...Yongsoo. Thank heavens! I was just being paranoid.

A smile made it's way to my lips. I couldn't help it. I was safe. The guy outside must've been weirded out by me since he looked away when he saw me smiling.

Yongsoo's being monitored by police men which means he can't go near me! It's time to stop worrying Heeyeon! No more sleepless nights!

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now