9 Days

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"Heeyeon-ah!" I didn't notice that Jimin was calling me. I suddenly spaced out during lunch.

We're waiting for their other groupmates since they want to introduce me to them.

"By the way, how's Chayoung as a seatmate? She hasn't done anything right?" Michiko asked, her eyes filled with worry.

I shook my head. "She's been really nice to me actually." Both of them looked shocked. "Why?" I asked.

"Well she's known to be insecure so whenever someone prettier or better than her comes along, she tends to do everything to pull them down. She wasn't able to do anything to us since she's scared of our members." Michiko explained. "Do you come from an influential family?"

I nodded slowly. "That must be why!" Jimin said. I probably looked confused so she explained it to me. Apparently, Chayoung doesn't mess around with people from influential families since her family runs a business and one wrong move can ruin that.

"Michiko! Jimin!" Someone called out. She looked so cute. "Who's this?" She asked nicely.

"Hello! I'm Heeyeon! I just transferred yesterday." I said with a smile on my face. She smiled back. "I'm Minseo. Nice to meet you." She said.

Minseo? Where have I heard that name before? Oh right! The boy from yesterday. "So you're the girl that the boy from yesterday was waiting for by the gate."

"Boy from yesterday?" She looked confused. "Oh! My older brother. Yeah. We had to buy stuff yesterday so he picked me up." She said. She also said something else that was inaudible so I asked her to say it again. "Oh it's nothing hehe."

The two of them introduced me to their sunbaes, Gyeoul and Gaeul who are twins. They invited me to watch their practice later so I said yes.

Apparently their practice is not in school but they have their own dance studio nearby. I texted my dad about this and he said yes.

Before, he used to ask me to send a picture to make sure that I wasn't going out with boys. Since I'm in an all girls school now, He's not that worried anymore.

After break, we had to go back to class //sobs. I don't like history. I almost fell asleep during history class but I was energized when I found out that it was music class and we were learning piano.

After that was math class which I love so I had no problem staying awake. It was only 10 minutes before the end of school and I was excited to watch my new friends practice.

I told my driver that I was going to meet him at a cafe near the dance studio. My new friends and I just walked going there.

This feels so nice. I feel like I could forget everything with this new environment. Thats what I thought until I received a text message.

Heeyeon-ah, where are you going? You don't usually hang out with people after school except Dohee.

All of a sudden my smile disappeared. I guess he really found me already. Should I just move overseas?

When we got to the dance studio, there were a group of boys inside. Wow! There's a lot of them.

A dance studio? Are you doing ballet again? I wanna see you dance again!

Please leave me alone. I've never replied to any of his messages. I'm scared of what he can do. He's obsessed and I'm afraid.

I was surprised when my friends just barged inside the studio even though someone was using it. Isn't that kinda rude? I'm not judging but...

"Oh! You're here!" One of the guys said. I noticed a familiar face. "Oppa (older brother)!" Minseo called out.

"It's you!" He pointed to me. "The girl from yesterday." I smiled shyly and bowed as a greeting.

Minseo whispered something which made the guy blush. I guess Jimin noticed that I was a bit confused so she told me that the 13 boys are Minseo's brother's friends. They own this studio and they let the girls use it. She led me to a chair where I can see everyone while they're dancing.

"Oh wait!" Michiko suddenly shouted which caused everyone to panic. "What's wrong?" One boy asked. "We forgot to introduce Heeyeon!" She replied. The boy hit Michiko's arm playfully. "I thought something bad happened!" He said.

"This is Jang Heeyeon. She just transferred yesterday." Gyeoul said. "Pretty, right?"

I haven't been with any of them for a long time but I feel like they're good people and they welcomed me even though I was new and was probably ruining their routine.

The boys all agreed which made me very shy. I'm thankful. They later introduced themselves. I hope I become closer with them!

I watched as the girls practiced. Some of the boys were practicing while some were helping the girls.

Yongsoo sent me a message with a heart on it. My face must've made my disgust obvious because Minseo's brother came up to me. "What's wrong?" He said.

"Nothing. You're Mingyu, right? I like your name." I said. He blushed and I realized what I had said. What if he thinks that I like him?

He laughed. I like his laugh. Cut it out Heeyeon!

We talked about a lot of things and I realized that his personality is so different from how I thought he was. He looks a bad boy but he's actually a funny guy and he's very kind too.

"Mingyu! You missed round two of practice! Round 3 will be after the girls. They're almost done. Sorry, Heeyeon." Seungcheol called out and teased. It was true though. I checked the time and we've been talking for 2 hours. It's already 7 pm. I should go.

I called my driver and he said that he'll be at the cafe in 20 minutes. I told everyone I was going home already. They were worried at first but I told them that I was going to be fetched. They were relieved. They're such good people.

"I'll walk you to the cafe." Mingyu offered and as much as I wanted him to I couldn't put him at risk. Yongsoo is probably out there. The thought of him hurting Mingyu, or any of my new friends, terrified me.

"It's okay. You don't have to. It's nearby so you don't have to worry." I politely rejected. He seemed a bit hurt but it's better this way.

Yongsoo doesn't joke around.

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now