5 Days

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When I arrived in school, everyone was so busy and my friends were nowhere to be found.

"Chayoung, have you seen Jimin or Michiko?" I asked as soon as she entered the classroom. That's odd. She wasnt wearing a uniform. She was wearing pink tights and a tutu under a black jacket. I never knew that she danced ballet.

"They're probably practicing for the performance the day after tomorrow." Chayoung answered. Performance? I knew they were practicing but I thought that was so that they're bodies wouldn't become stiff.

Chayoung gave me directions to the school's dance studio. I found all five of my friends there.

I slowly went inside so that I wouldn't disturb them but they say me and stopped ptacticing.

"Come on guys! Why'd you stop?" I asked and they smiled. "What?"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all shouted. That made me smile. I didn't think that they would know.

Jimin brought out a strawberry shortcake. That's my favorite! "How did you guys know?"

"We asked Dohee. We actually rushed it since we only found out yesterday. Sorry." Minseo explained.

"Don't worry about it. I actually didn't expect this. Thank you so much guys!" I said with so much happiness. "Why are you practicing by the way?"

"Oh right! On Friday we have a performance for the school festival. You didn't know about it since you just transferred but starting today, there will be no formal classes." Gaeul explained.

"That's so cool! So for the following days you guys have to practice really hard?" I asked and they all nodded. "Maybe I can cheer you guys up and give you snacks during your practices since I have nothing to do."

"YES PLEASE!" They all shouted with excitement. I'm glad I can help them in anyway. "Let's celebrate your birthday after school today! Please bring Dohee too!" Michiko said.

I nodded and texted Dohee. "Bring the guys as well. We can have samgyupsal at my house." I said while texting Miss Park.

Then they started to practice. Most of the people in school were busy. The students who were not performing either stayed in the library or helped with decorations. Some were preparing food stalls.

This school seems pretty fun. The dance studio was on the second floor and it was facing the school gate.

I peaked out the window to check on the football field. The football team seems to be having practice right now. It's probably because there are no formal classes.

I saw a bakery near the back of the football field. I had never seen that before. We don't pass by that street so I guess I wouldn't have known about it's existence.

"What are you looking at?" Gyeoul asked. They were having a break. These girls just took a break when I got here //laughs.

"Oh I was only checking out the bakery." I said.

"Oh! They have good cakes there. That's actually where we bought your cake. Do you want to go?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Maybe later. You guys should focus on practice. I'll go to the library for now."

I smiled and started walking out. I stopped by the door and looked back at them. "Practice! Hahaha."

They just laughed. All of them were sprawled on the floor. Lazy girls.

Later that day, the girls and I met up in the classroom first since we all decided to go to my place later.

We informed the boys and they said that they were going to follow since they go to different schools.

As we were going out, it felt like deja vu. Some girls were heading back to the classrooms gossipping about this cute boy waiting for someone outside the gate.

I couldn't help but smile. Mingyu. I'm going to see him today and that's the best birthday gift.

When we reached the gate, I felt like the universe cheated on me. He was there outside the gate, a smile on his face and a bag on his hand.

He wasn't wearing his usual black hoodie and black pants. He always wears those in the instances that I caught him.

The first thing that came into my mind was the safety of my friends. For heaven's sake, he could have a gun or knife with him right now.

I don't want to think badly of him but ever since the movie we watched in class, I've been wary.

"Happy Birthday!" He said. His voice was venom to my ears.

My friends were teasing but I couldn't bring myself to smile. "What's wrong?" Jimin asked.

"N-Nothing..." my voice was weak and it sounded nervous. I didn't want this to happen today.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Yongsoo. Trying my best to stay composed and brave.

He smiled. A smile that looked normal to other people but very uncomfortable for me. "I just came to give you your birthday present. Here you go." He offered the bag.

I hate this feeling. I felt fear rushing over me everytime I encounter him and I don't like it.

I didn't want to make my friends worry so I tried my best to lift my hand up to get the bag. I was shaking and I hope my friends didn't notice.

"Heeyeon!" A familiar voice called out. Mingyu was walking towards us along with Seungkwan, Junhui, Minghao and Chan.

Safe. Yongsoo would never take on 5 guys at the same time... right? Once more, I felt my heartbeat beating irregularly out of fear.

Maybe the guys felt the tension between Yongsoo and I. The boys smiled calmly and positioned themselves in front of the girls and I.

"Wait a minute! You're the guy who tried to beat me up!" Mingyu accused and Yongsoo just laughed in a very cocky and annoying manner. All of them gasped and Minseo glared at Yongsoo.

"Glad you're still alive." Sarcasm filled his words. "You do know that Heeyeon is my girl and I would like it if you stayed away from her."

Mingyu's fists were curling up. "As far as I know, Heeyeon doesn't have a boyfriend." He said then turned his head to look at me. He gave me a smile that said don't worry.

"And I doubt that she would date someone who beats up people for no reason." Mingyu continued.

"You little brat! Shut up! Heeyeon is mine. I met her first." Yongsoo spat. He has the brain of a spoiled child turned psycho.

"Are you 5 or something? Just because you met her first, doesn't mean she's yours." Mingyu replied. That ticked Yongsoo off. He looked like he was about to explode.

He dropped the bag and put his hand inside his pocket. I don't know why but adrenaline rushed through me and I found myself in between Mingyu and a gun.

"Heeyeon. MOVE!" He tried to scare my soul out of me and it worked. My friends were all scared. They were crying. I was about to cry but I had to be strong.

Mingyu tried to move me away but I didn't want to budge. NO. Yongsoo is not allowed to hurt my friends.

"Heeyeon, if you don't move, Dohee will be in the morgue by tomorrow." Yongsoo threatened.

My legs almost gave away but good thing my driver came. My driver, Mr. Nam was also a skilled martial artist and Yongsoo got a taste of Mr. Nam's skills before so he fears him.

"You will regret this! I will be back." Yongsoo shouted as he ran away from the traumatic incident he had given all ten of us.

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now