8 Days

370 12 7

//sigh. I wonder what's fun to do today? It's a saturday and we don't have classes. It only occurred to me that I went to class on a thursday.

It makes me feel uncomfortable since I like doing things on regular schedules.

Maybe I should go out with Dohee. Although, she's probably in her basement working on a new song. She said she was gonna write one soon.

I don't want to bother the girls since they probably have practice and I can't exactly just show up there.

Good morning, Beautiful! I hope you dreamed of me. You looked so cute while you were sleeping.

He just won't stop. We've already tried reporting to the police but it's no use since his father is a famous prosecutor. He can get away with this.

The best thing we could do was get a restraining order which states that he cannot be within 10 meters near me.

Technically, he is also not allowed to contact me in anyway but then again, his father is influential. I don't want to cause any trouble for my family.

I just want to live a peaceful life and I'm just hoping that he gives up or sees a doctor.

Honestly, Yongsoo and I used to be close friends. His mom told me to be wary since he tends to be possessive. I didn't think much of it until a boy started courting me.

Yongsoo was being so possessive of me that he threatened the boy. He told the boy to stay away from me or else he would kill him.

The boy wasn't fazed by this at all until Yongsoo pushed him to the road and he got hit by a car.

Thankfully, he survived and lived. The boy moved away and Yongsoo was expelled. I heard he was homeschooled after those events.

That's when it all started. He became so possessive to the point where he was obssessed.

I remember the time when he beat up an older man who merely asked me for directions. After beating the man up, he gripped my shoulders tightly with his bloody hands and told me to stay away from boys or those things will happen.

I got so scared of him so I talked to his mother. Apparently, this wasn't the first time this sort of thing happened to him. Back in middle school, it was like that with another girl.

He got therapy and they thought he was better but he wasn't and now I'm his next target.

I checked my phone again and I got a message from Minseo. We exchanged numbers yesterday just before I left the studio.

Hello! This is Mingyu. I was just wondering if you were busy today. Would you like to come to the studio?

I couldn't help but smile. He's too cute. I've only seen him twice and I just met him recently but my heart skips a beat when it has something to do with him.

I texted him back saying that I would be there in 30 minutes. I put my phone down and started fixing my hair. Good thing I took a bath right after I woke up.

Before going to the studio, I went to the cafe near it to order my favorite, Caramel Macchiato and some cookies for everyone.

When I got there, the boys were practicing so I quietly went inside. "Heeyeon-ssi!" Soonyoung called out and they stopped practicing.

I feel so bad about bothering them. The girls came to hug me and I gave everyone the cookies so they took a little break.

"Heeyeon-ah. Someone left a gift for you this morning. It was outside the studio before we even opened up." One of the twins, Gaeul said. "It just said To Heeyeon on the box."

I opened it and saw a new pair of ballet shoes. There was a card inside. I knew it //sigh. It was from Yongsoo.

"You dance?" Mingyu asked. They all seemed shocked about it. I told them that I used to. Back in middle school but I quit after my eldest sister died.

"Who's Yongsoo?" Jimin asked. I think the change in my expression was too obvious. "What's wrong?"

"H-He's courting me." Was the best I could think of after struggling to figure out how to say it to them. I don't want them to know that I have an obssessed stalker.

The look on Mingyu's face made my heart feel lighter. He seemed jealous. Although, it could have been my imagination as he quickly smiled.

"Can we see you dance?" Jeonghan asked with expectant eyes. I decided to give it a go. It's not like I gave up on ballet forever like in the dramas. I just lost motivation to continue but I can still dance.

I think I still remember the choreography I made for Maybe by Yiruma so I danced to that.

Just before the end of the dance, I caught a glimpse of Yongsoo standing by the glass door. I was so scared that he might hurt my friends but I ended up hurting myself.

I think I sprained my ankle. When I looked at the doorway again, he wasn't there anymore. Was I seeing things?

I looked up to see worried faces. "It's just a sprain guys. Don't worry." I said calmly. "I'll probably go to the hospital to get it checked."

This usually happened back then and my sprains heal after a few days so I guess it will be fine.

"Sorry. We feel like it's our fault for asking you to dance." Seungcheol said on behalf of his group mates.

I smiled. "It's not your fault. I was beinf clumsy." I was gonna tease them and tell them that it was their fault but they seemed too worried so I stopped myself. I then called my driver so he can take me to the hospital.

Mingyu insisted on helping me to the car and since I am in no position to reject his help, I went with him. He carried me on his back.

My heart was racing. I hope he didn't hear it. Was his heart racing too?

When I got inside the car, Mingyu smiled at me. "Be careful, okay?" He said to me. "Ahjussi (old man), please take care of her." My driver just nodded and smiled at him.

He was starting to go back up but I remembered something very, very important. "Mingyu!" I semi-shouted.

He turned around, smiling, and went closer to the car window.

"Please... wherever you go or whatever you do, bring someone with you. Stay with the group and never be alone. Please tell everyone this." I said as clearly and calmly as possible.

I couldn't stop my hand from shaking as I remembered what happened before. "Why?" He asked, looking confused. "Just... Please do it. I'm not a weirdo by the way //laughs." I tried to joke around.

"Wherever any of you go, please have someone with you. Please."

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now