7 Days

326 11 4

"Heeyeon, dear, there are some people downstairs who are looking for you. Friends from school? But aren't you from an all girls school now?" Miss Park, the housekeeper, said as she stood by the doorway.

"Who dares interupt my time with my bestfriend?" Dohee tried to joke but I ended up snorting at her comment.

"Oh they're friends from the dance studio I visit. I already told mom and dad about them yesterday. Suprisingly, dad was okay with them."  I laughed. It was very shocking. Maybe he does business with some of their parents.

I heard a lot of footsteps and shy voices. I currently have 19 visitors inside my room.

I introduced Dohee to them as my bestfriend and I think they will get along just fine.

"How's your foot?" Seungcheol asked. I smiled and told him that it was healing fast and I'll be okay after a few days.

We were all just talking about random stuff when there was a sudden knock on the door. "Why don't you all go downstairs first to eat?" Miss Park said. They all said yes and started to go downstairs.

"I'll help you!" Mingyu told me as I was trying to get off the bed. Dohee then winked at me. Of course I told her. She then took off with my wheel chair. Everyone already went ahead.

"Heeyeon, I think I know what you were talking about yesterday before you." He said. I got worried. Did something wrong happen? "Minseo told me that she felt like someone was following us yesterday on our way home."

I mentally slapped myself for putting my new friends in danger. "I saw a guy wearing a black hoodie outside our house yesterday. He left after pacing in front of our gate for a few minutes." He continued.

I looked at my hands. I didn't want to see his face. What if he hates me now? "I'm..."

"Maybe he likes me! But I'm not gay!" He said which made me laugh. At least he's not thinking about this too much. "Don't worry I'll do as you say." He said then winked at me.

"Hop on!" He said as he turned around and squated to my level. He then carried me down to the kitchen.

It was so noisy downstairs. Mingyu and I just laughed at them. Seems like they were all getting along, including Dohee which made me happy.

We all went to the garden afterwards and Mingyu helped me sit on the grass. We all formed a circle.

"Guys! Let's play truth or dare!" Seokmin announced. Everyone was game for it so we took a bottle and spun it in the middle of the circle.

It went to Michiko first. "Michuuu~ truth or dare?" Soonyoung asked. Michiko chose dare. "Do aegyo in front of Minghao!"

Michiko did it and we all laughed because Minghao was blushing so much. Seems like love is in the air.

It went to Vernon next and he said he was going to do a dare. Seungkwan suggested a high note battle between Vernon, Seungcheol, Wonwoo, and Mingyu. It was really funny since all of them had low voices.

Dino was next and he chose dare as well. The boys made him run around the circle while singing a Micheal Jackson song.

I was next. Noooo! I chose truth since I wouldn't be able to stand anyway. Gyeoul was giving me the question. "Who among the guys do you find as a boyfriend material?"

All of them made howling noises since it was a cheesy questions. "Joshua!" They all cheered. "Why? Why?" Gyeoul asked.

"He has that feel ever since I met you guys!" I said. Then suddenly Gaeul asked if I would date Joshua. "Not really hehe. I would date Mingyu though." They all cheered. Then I realized what I just said.

Me and my big mouth! At that moment, I wanted to run inside but I couldn't. Blood was rising to my cheeks. I could feel it.

I was so shy and hid my face with my hands. Mingyu must think that I'm weird. I don't want to face him.

When we got tired of playing, Mingyu suddenly helped me to my wheel chair while the rest of them just talked with one another. I couldn't look at him in the face though. I was so shy.

"If it helps, I think I would date you too." He said. It was just the two of us. The rest were busy. I looked up at him in disbelief.

He laughed. "Why not? You're funny and kind hearted. Plus you're pretty too. I think you're a good person." I could only smile at what he said.

"But we only met 4 days ago!" I said.

"So? It's not the length of time you spent with a person that matters. Sure, time helps a lot but I think that it has more to do with the feeling you get when you're with the person." He said.

"Is this a confession, Kim Mingyu?" I said, jokingly.

"Are you kidding? Of course not!" He laughed. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed. "Not yet. When I confess, it will be special."

He left me afterwards. Jerk. I thought to myself while smiling like an idiot. Why did you leave me after saying those words? You made my heart race, you idiot!

Mingyu was with Wonwoo now but he looked at me for a second and winked then he went back to messing around with Wonwoo and the guys.

After a while, they told me that they had to go home. "Take care!" I said.

When they all left, Dohee and I went up to my room. Apparently, Yongsoo had flowers delivered to me.

Roses. He doesn't even know that I hate roses. What kind of stalker is he? I wish he would go away.

"So what are you going to do with him? He might get hurt and you know that." Dohee said, referring to Mingyu.

"I don't know anymore."

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now