6 Days

337 11 9

It was Monday and I was already in school, still in my wheel chair. My ankle is better but I need to go to the doctor today to have it checked.

For our first class today, I remember hearing our teacher say that we were having a film showing.

Apparently we were watching The Lovely Bones. It was a film about a 14 year old girl who was raped and murdered by her neighbor. This is my first time seeing the film and I hope I get to learn a lot from it.

Susie Salmon, the girl, was being stalked by her neighbor. A shiver ran through my spine. Much like me, she also attracted the unwanted attention of a stalker.

The things that happened next led me into thinking about what my fate will be. I was so disturbed when I saw the guy dragging a bloody sack inside a metal crate.

For a moment, I imagined myself in that situation and that left me scared.

By the end of the movie, our teacher said that he will discuss the movie on the next meeting.

I was still in my seat. I was frozen and scared. What if Yongsoo does that?

I guess I did learn a lot. It made me creeped out. Just thinking about it makes my stomach lurch. I don't want that to happen to anyone.

I guess the film disturbed me since I was thinking about it the whole day. Jimin and Michiko were worried about how I was acting but they decided to just wait until I want to talk about it.

I appreciated it. I didn't want to talk about Yongsoo. At least not yet.

School just ended with the girls going to practice and me going to the hospital. "Take care!" I told them and they said it back.

I kinda don't want to see Mingyu today. His face irritates me because it makes me flustered when I see him smile and I don't need that right now.

When I arrived at the hospital, I was told that my doctor had a patient so I had to wait. I went just outside his office and I heard him scolding someone.

The voice came from a boy. I could hear them but it wasn't that clear. "Who did you fight with?" The doctor asked.

"No one. Some guy just punched me while I was going home. Uncle, do you really think that I would go around and fight with people?" The boy answered. Why am I even eavesdropping? Bad Heeyeon!

They took a while before they were done. After 10 minutes of being bored, I waited in front of the doorway, getting ready to go in once the door opens.

When the door opened, I was so shocked at who came out. His face was a mess. He had a big bruise on the left side of his lip.

"W-What happened to you?" I asked, carefully examining his face. I kind of got an idea already and I felt really bad. Still, he showed me a smile.

The smile that makes my heart race.

"You know each other?" The doctor said. We both nodded. Apparently, my doctor is Mingyu's uncle.

He stayed with me during my check up. "So are you two...?" His uncle suddenly asked.

I shook my head. "Not yet." Mingyu said, looking at me for confirmation. How the hell am I supposed to react to that? STUPID KIM MINGYU.

I was looking at him with a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about look but he just laughed softly.

At last! I can now remove the bandage that kept my ankle together but I can't walk too much for at least 2 days. Looks like I'm gonna have to go home straight.

After me, his uncle had another patient so he kicked us out of his office. Mingyu and I decided to go to the rooftop of the hospital.

I could walk already but it helped to have an elevator and Mingyu there. He tried to follow my pace.

"So what happened to you?" I asked. "I was on the way home from school to get some stuff for dance practice when some guy punched me. I gave him a blow or two and I was able to knock him out. I came to my Uncle immediately after." He said.

"Although, the guy said something about me trying to steal his girl. He must've gotten me mixed up with someone else." He added.

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't tell him that it happened to him because of me. I was afraid of him hating me.

"Don't be so sad. Smile. I like it better when you smile." He said so I tried to force a smile. I just want to live normally and not worry about Yongsoo hurting people I care about.

I was looking at the lights of the city and once again I thought of the movie and what happened to Susie. What if I never get the chance to fall in love?

I've never been in love but Mingyu makes me happy and nervous and giddy and feel all sorts of emotions that I've experienced for the first time. Even though it's only been 5 days since we've met, I think we've gotten closer.

Is he the one I'm meant to fall in love with? But what if I'm not the one he's meant to fall in love with?

I don't know why but a part of me wanted to tell him how important he is in my life right now.

"Hey Mingyu--" he was gone when I turned around. Wtf? Did he just leave me here all alone? "KIM MINGYU! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? WHY THE F**K DID YOU LEAVE ME HERE?"

That scared me. For a moment, I thought of Yongsoo and horror struck me. What if he slowly crept up to Mingyu while I was thinking about things? What if he pushes me off the rooftop?

I heard someone laughing out loud. He was walking from the elevator door. "Relax. I only got you coffee. Here--" then he handed me a can of factory made caramel macchiato.

I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks. "Thanks." I said shyly.

"I didn't know that you cursed." He laughed at me. I pouted and acted annoyed. "I think it's cute that the real you is showing."

I pushed him lightly and he acted like it was painful so I pushed him again. We just kept laughing.

I wish this moment would last. Forever and Always.

Heaven Took Her ● KIM MINGYUWhere stories live. Discover now