The Day She Died

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I woke up with a big smile on my face. Today's the day of our date! I'll confess to him today since he already asked me last night. Too bad I wasn't able to answer it at that moment.

I spent all day just thinking about our date. Mingyu and I were texting during lunch. We just talked about the details for tonight. By 3 pm I was already getting ready since we planned to meet at 6 pm.

We were gonna meet at the cafe near the dance studio sonce there were less people and the food at the cafe was good. We also planned to go to Hangang Park after eating just to see the river glistening from the city lights.

I was so excited for the date that I arrived 30 minutes earlier. When I got there, Mingyu had his back turned and he was wearing a black hoodie and the hood was up.

"Min..." I was caught off guard when he turned around. There was a deranged look his face. It was Yongsoo. But how? I thought he was under house arrest!

I slowly started to back away but my feet were heavy and I had to drag them out of shock and fear. He was walking towards me. Do I run for it?

When I was about to run, he suddenly screamed. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! Going on a date with someone else when you have me? How could you?!?" Yongsoo snapped. He looked scarier than ever.

Thank god! I was holding my phone and Dohee was on speed dial. She knows about where I was meeting Mingyu and she forced me to allow her to wait nearby so that she can know wht happened immediately after my date with Mingyu. I hope she picks up.

"Yongsoo.. I-I wasn't going on a date with him. I came here to turn him down." I tried to tell him.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He screamed, putting out his gun.

"I was there the whole time! At your school during the festival; On the rooftop when you were both laughing and being sweet to each other! He even had the nerve to hold your hand! If it wasn't for my mother, I would've killed him right there!" He said furiously. "That guy doesn't deserve you! He doesn't deserve to live either! He should be taken care of right after I take care of you!"

"Of course I won't kill you. Maybe I can break both of your legs so that you won't ever run away from me. I'll break your arms too. Oh and I know! I can cut your tongue off! That way, your pretty face will have no marks but you can't say anything to defy me." He said, his face was getting more and more distorted. He was crazy and mentally unstable.

I'm scared. My legs were shaking. "I'm not lying. Yongsoo, I would never hurt you. Put down your gun." Dohee, please call the police.

"Yongsoo.. please. I thought you liked me? Please don't hurt me." I said nervously. One wrong move and I die.

"I do like you but WHY ARE YOU GOING ON A DATE WITH THAT GUY? I overheard your phone call with him last night when I hacked into your phone's line!" He was so angry. He had a crazed look in his eyes.

"Heeyeon!" Dohee shouted from behind me which made Yongsoo point the gun at her. My heart stopped beating. "DON'T! Please." I begged and blocked Dohee from the gun.

"I may not hurt you, Heeyeon, because we're still getting married but I would shoot Dohee without any second thoughts. MOVE. OUT. OF. THE. WAY." He said.

"Dohee, please just go. I love you. You're always going to be my bestfriend." I didn't realize that I was crying already. "Tell him that I love him. Thank you." Tears were racing down my cheeks and everything happened so quickly.

I only wanted her to call the police. I did not expect her to come rushing here. Its dangerous. Dohee, please be safe. Run!

I did not look at Dohee. I knew she was going to do everything for me and I would do the same for her. I just want her to live happily. I closed my eyes and I was ready to die at that moment. I would die for her.

Without seconds thoughts, I ran to Yongsoo and tried my best to get his gun. We were both trying to get a hold of the gun.

I thought these things only happened in movies but then again, it's happening right now.

"You're under arrest, Mr. Oh!" The police came! Finally!

I stupidly let my guard down and Yongsoo got hold of me and pointed a gun at my head. His arm had a strong hold on my neck. We were surrounded by the police now.

The police begged him to let me go, his parents were also there. They were begging him to stop.

"Yongsoo, son, don't do this. We can help you get better." His mother begged and cried. His father went down on his knees.

Yongsoo cried when he saw his father beg. It was the first time his father forgot about his pride. Yongsoo's tight hold on me loosened and I was suddenly pushed forward.

I was ready to make a rin for it and I thought it was all over until I felt a sharp pain through my back. As I fell on the rain-drenched pavement, I heard another gun-shot.

I was slowly losing blood, and consciousness. "Mingyu..." I said weakly. I think this is it. I should close my eyes now.


I should've been dead right there but I heard Mingyu's voice. Relief flowed through me. He rushed to me and held me in his arms.

Was he crying? I didn't know. The rain probably made it look like he was.

Mingyu was saying something but I couldn't comprehend since my eyesight was already failing and my ears were ringing.

"...I think I really like you." Mingyu said. This time, it was very clear. A weak smile formed on my lips. My palm made it's way to his cheek as I mouthed the words I love you.

I saw a glimpse of his face before everything completely turned black.

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