♡ Imagine 2 ♡

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Ashton invited you to watch him rehearse with the boys for their album. You're sitting on the chair across from the room while Ashton's banging on the drums. You watch him in awe. You can't get over how sexy he looks when he's playing the drums. He looks so passionate and thats one of the things you love about him.

All the sudden you snap out of it and hear Ashton yelling over to you from across the room.

"Tori? HELLO?! EARTH TO TORI" you look over at him and blush.


"Are you ok? I know this might be boring for you. You look out of it."

You say "ya ash I'm fine! You sound amazing! I wish i could play like that.."

"Do you want to learn?"

You excitedly accept his offer and sit down on his drum stool. Ash stands over you with his hands holding yours with the drumsticks. He guides you and gets started with a simple beat.

"You just have to feel the beat and play from your heart."

He lets you go on your own. You start beating the drums and you feel so relaxed and you get all your frustrations out on the drums.

"Wow tori thats really good. You've caught on really quick!" Ashton smiles at you and you blush. He reaches over to you and kisses you on the cheek. You look into his eyes and lean in for another kiss and then Ash kisses you passionately on the lips.

Ashton Irwin Imagines (vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now