♡ Imagine 9 ♡

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You have been friends with Ashton for a couple months and you're starting to develop feelings for him. The weekend was approaching and Ashton asked you if you wanted to hang out.

Text from Ashton:
Hey (Y/N) wanna hang out this weekend? :) x

You reply:
Sure! :)

How bout you come to my house for dinner tomorrow night? I realize you still haven't met my family :)

Sounds good! I can't wait to meet them! :)


*Next day*

Ashton arrives at your house to pick you up. You decided to dress somewhat nicer than usual because you wanted Ashton's family to like you. You were kind of nervous because you wanted this to go well. This could be a step in your relationship with Ashton.

Ashton meets you at the door with a smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" He asks you. He looks so happy to see you.

" you say smiling back.

"You look beautiful (Y/N)."

"Thanks Ash" you say blushing.

It was a short ride to Ashton's house. You two just casually chat along the way. When you arrive, Ashton opens the car door for you and leads you into his house. His mom, sister, and brother are standing in the foyer with big smiles on their faces.

"Apparently they've been dying to meet you. They never greet anyone like this." Ashton says giggling.

His mom steps forward and welcomes you.

"Hello there darling. I'm Ash's mum, Anne. I've heard so many lovely things about you." She says as she gives you a quick hug.

*Wow she's really friendly, Ash must take after his mum* you think to yourself.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am" you say smiling, trying to sound polite. You're kind of shy when it comes to meeting people's families.

Ash's sister comes up to you, along with his brother.

"Hi (Y/N) I'm Ash's sister, Lauren and this is Harry." She says gesturing towards Harry.

"Hi (Y/N)" Harry says grinning.

You all sit down at the dinner table and Ashton sits next to you. You chat with his family and get on with them really well, laughing every now and then. You absolutely adore Ashton's family. They were all so sweet and now you understood why Ashton was such a nice guy.

After dinner you excuse yourself to use the restroom. As you walk back to the living room you over hear Ash talking to his mum.

"So what do you think of her?" Ash asks.

"She's a very sweet girl Ash." She says in a genuine tone. You smile as you continue to listen from around the corner, afraid of interrupting them and because you're also curious as to what else they are going to say.

Harry notices you and asks what you're doing. You motion for him to stay quiet as he sneakily joins you, hiding up against the wall.

"I really like her mum. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend." You hear Ash say. You feel your heart melt at his voice and you feel so happy you just want to burst out into tears.

Harry looks up at you and smiles. "He really does like you." He repeats.

"I think you two would make a lovely couple." His mum replies.

You blush and look back towards Ash and decide its time to go into the room.

"Hey (Y/N) we were just talking about you!" Ash says smiling at you.

"In a good way right?" You ask smirking at him, acting like you didn't hear his conversation with him mum.

"Of course!" Ash says grinning.

You guys hang out and watch a movie together after dinner. You sit close and share a blanket. You start to doze off with your head on Ash's shoulder, when he gently wakes you up. Ash quietly whispers for you to wake up as he moves your hair from your face.

Your getting ready to leave and Ashton walks you outside. You lean your back up against your car and Ash his leaning towards you with his arm resting on the car.

"Well (Y/N) I had a really good time with you today. And my family really seemed to like you."

"I had a good time too Ash. Your family are all so sweet. I absolutely love them!"
You say, making Ash blush.

"(Y/N), I really am one of the luckiest guys in the world to have such an amazing person like you in my life. You are a beautiful person inside and out and you always can make me smile. I look forward to everyday I get to spend with you and I love spending time with you. I wish we never had to say goodbye. I want to be able to call you more than just my best friend."

You stand there, not knowing how to respond. Even though you had heard his conversation with his mum, you still couldn't believe what Ash was saying to you.

"So what do you say, will you be my girlfriend (Y/N)?" Ash says with a hopeful voice.


You reply happily, wrapping your arms around Ash.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading!
I finally got another Imagine up! I hope you enjoyed it!

I've been having a hard time coming up with ideas for new imagines so if you want me too keep posting them, comment some requests :)

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Thank you so much, ily ♡

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