♡ Imagine 7 ♡

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You and Ashton are very close friends. You always support each other with everything you do and you always attend each other's events. Ashton had invited you to go to his little brother, Harry's soccer match and of course you accepted! You were so excited! This would be the first soccer match you'd be going to with Ashton!

It was a beautiful saturday morning. The weather was not too hot and not too cold, the perfect weather for a soccer match!

You were getting ready as you got a message from Ashton.

Ashton: Hey (Y/N)! We'll be picking you up in about half and hour! Can't wait to see you :)

You: Ok sounds good! I can't wait either! This is going to be so fun :D

In exactly half an hour you hear the doorbell ring. You jump up off the couch and run to the door.

"Hey!" Ash says smiling at you.
"You ready to go?" He asks in a cheery voice.

You yell goodbye to your parents and walk out the door with Ashton.

You ride in the car with Ash's parents, him, and his little brother. You have fun singing along to the radio and goofing around with Ash and Harry. They have such a cute relationship, it makes you happy to see this side of Ashton. Harry has always liked you too. Occasionally he would tease you and Ash, as if you were a couple.

You always cared about Ash deeply but you couldn't think of him as more than your best friend. You had a feeling deep down that you were denying it but you pushed away the feelings because you weren't really sure if they were true feelings. You were afraid to ruin your friendship so you just ignored it.

You were at the match watching Harry play. Ash had set out a blanket for you two to sit on in the grass. Ash had his eyes locked on Harry when ever he would get the ball and Ash would cheer loudly and you would join him.

You admired how much Ash loved and supported his little brother. They had such a good relationship and Ash was a great big brother to Harry.

You have an older brother but your relationship has never been like Ash and Harry's. You both fought a lot and at times you felt like Ash treated you like a big brother too. He was always looking out for you and you were so grateful to have him in your life.

When the game was over Harry ran over to you two, carrying a medal he had gotten with his team. You and Ash had been talking and were sitting a lot closer than you realized.

"Hey bud! Wow, look at that medal! You were epic! I'm so proud of you!" Ash said excitedly to Harry as he gave him a high five and hugged him.

"Good job Harry!" You said giving him a hug.

"Thanks (Y/N)!" Harry said smiling.
He sat down close to you whispering in your ear "do you and ash like each other?"

"Why do you say that bud?" You said surprised.

"Because I saw the way he kept looking at you during my match..." He said quietly almost sounding disappointed.

"We're just really good friends Harry. Don't worry, Ash was watching you and cheering for you like crazy! I promise!" You say reassuring him.

Harry smiles and walks over to his mom where Ash is now standing. They all hug and you can't help but smile as you watch them.

You wonder, did it really seem like you and Ash liked each other more than friends? How was Ash looking at you?

Questions kept swirling around in your mind the rest of the day.

When you got home and Ash was dropping you off, he walked you to the door.

"Thanks for coming along with us today. Harry really seemed to like having you there, he likes the attention." Ashton said giggling.

"It's no problem, I had a fun time!" You say smiling.

Ashton looked at you in the eyes a smiled. You smile back suddenly feeling awkward.

"So...." You go on unsure of what to say.

"I guess I'll see you around.." Ashton says slowly getting ready to walk away.

"Wait." You say before Ash starts to turn away down the front steps.

"Harry asked me today if we like each other..."

"Of course we do! He knows we're best friends (Y/N)." Ash replies.

"Not like that Ash, I think he meant as more than friends..." You say suddenly getting quieter.

Ash started to look more serious.
"Well do we?" He asked.

"I don't know..." You say shyly.

"...Ok fine, here goes nothing.... I really like you (Y/N). You're perfect. I think I've finally started to realize this. You're amazing, you're the best, nicest, and most beautiful girl I've ever met. And I want to think of you as more than friends." Ash stops, looking at you as if searching for some kind of response.

You stand there in shock. You didn't expect him to say all of this. Ash would sometimes compliment you, but never like this.

Ash slowly stepped closer to you looking into your eyes and then down at your lips. You stepped towards him and closed the gap between your lips.

"I really like you too Ash." You say smiling and wrapping your arms around his neck as you kiss again.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot to me!

I hope you enjoyed this imagine :) i've been trying to post more but I need help coming up with ideas for new ones so COMMENT WITH ANY REQUESTS! <3

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