chapter 7

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Katie's pov.

I ran around my room to finish the last if the packing before our flight to Canada in an hour.

"Come on Katie, lets go" Mum called as Dand entered the room.

"I'll take your bags" He laughed picking them up then went down to the van.

"you must be pretty excited" Mum laughed as I buckled in.

"yes I cant wait" I giggled as Dad got in and we were off to the airport to meet everyone.

"Hey Katie" Calum beamed running over with the rest of the boys.

"Hey guys" I smiled.

"excited for the tour" Ashton laughed.

"Jut alittle" I nodded.

"Alright come on, get inside" Mum said.

"Hey Katie" Paul smiled as I walked over.

"Hey Paul, you alright" I said.

"im great, you should go threw the check in now" He replied.

"Alright, see you on the plane" I laughed then went with mum and dad.

"it would be so much easier if you guys all baught a privet jet together" I laughed.

"I guess we could" Harry shrugged.

We loaded the plane and went to find my seat.

"im in between Luke and Calum" I asked.

"good luck kiddo" Louis laughed.

I got in my seat and buckled in.

"Ready for a long flight" Luke laughed.

"yuppers" I said bringing out my ipad.

"what are you working on" Calum asked.

"a song" I blushed.

"Can we hear it" Louis asked from behind me.

"no, its not finished and were on a plane" I laughed.

"its only us in here except for on person in coach" Niall chimmed in.

"Guys if she doesnt want to sing it right now dont bother her" Mum laughed.

" I will on the buss tomorrow" I said and they all agreed and let me finish the song.

"What did the big tomatoe say to the little tomatoe when he was far behind" I said out of no where.

"What" Louis laughed knowing he was the one who told me.

"Ketchup" I beamed and bursted out laughing.

"Hey Katie...... There was a blonde, brunette and a red head sho robbed a bank.... the police were hot on their trail so the red head hid in a dog cage the brunette hid in a cat cage and the blonde hid in a potatoe sack. When the poilce went to the dog cage the red head went 'ruff, ruff' when they went to the cat cage the brunette went 'meow, meow' and when they went to the potatoe sack the blonde went 'POTATOE, POTATOE" he beamed finishing the joke and I bursted out laughing.

"Hahhaha potatoe, potatoe" I gushed as I laughed.

"alright, time to bring out the accents" Niall said.

"yes"i beamed.

We all sat there listening to Niall do many accents and I found in quite amussing but when he stopped I was tired.

"hun, you look tired" mum said stating the obviouse.

"I am" I yawned.

"do you want a blanket" Dad asked,

"Im alright, I just am going to have a nap" I yawned placing my head back and soon fell into a deepsleep.

Calum's pov.

I looked over at Katie sleeping soundly, sonoring slightly. She started to stir then moved to where she was basically laying on Luke. I was pretty jelouse.

"whats wrong mate" Harry asked and I nuged my head in Katies direction.

"awe, are you jelouse" Louis laughed.

"no" I huffed.

"Just tell her how you feel" Harry said as I looked a luke sleeping with his arm around Katie.

"Luke has been going on about how much he likes her for the past month, I cant do that to him" I sighed.

"she's fair game, if she likes you then she likes you and if she likes Luke than she likes Luke but dont give up till she choses" Harry replied.

"Are you seriously giving him advice on my daughter" Perrie laughed standing next to us but took a seat.

"Yeah, its not like he was going to go ask Zayn" Louis laughed.

"Just be yourself, she doesnt like guys who are fake and dont fight with Luke, hes your friend and bandmate" she smiled.

"thanks" I laughed.

" And also talk to Zayn about it, he could give some good advice believe it or not" She giggled then returned to her seat.

They were all right. If I wanted to have Katie I should work at it and she is fair game till she seals the deal with one of us.

IN CANADA........ Katie's pov.

We got to the hotel and I flopped on the bed exsausted with some seriouse jegleg.

"Come on, We'll go get dinner just the 3 of us" Dad smiled so I got up and we went.

"yoy and I are going shopping tomorrow while Zayn is working" Mum smiled.

"sounds good, I want to exsplore Canada" I smiled as I ate.

We gotback to the hotel and I laid in the bed about to watch a movie on my ipad.

"Were going to Liam and Danielle" Mum said,

"Alright, I'll be here" I smiled then they left and I started my movie.

It ended and I was tired so I went to sleep. it was a hell of a day and I cant wait for tomorrow.

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