Chapter 18

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Katie's pov.

I woke up as my alarm went off at 7am. It was time for me to get back to work.

I showered, curled my hair, did my make up and put on leopard print leggings, white tank top and black heels then left for interviews.

It was getting boring always answering questions about my album but i was excited to be releasing one.

"Alright, we should talk about tour. Since you did a song with David Guetta i was think he'd be perfect to open with on your tour" Justin said.

"I like it, i want to promote in the Us, Here, Europe, Cananda and Mexico all in 2 weeks" I replied.

"I already sat that all up and you leave not tomorrow but the next day so we can get it done then you come back here for the album reveal party" he smiled.

"Alright, I want you to start working out the tour dates, I want at least a week off every 2 months and a day off here and there just to relaxe" I said.

"Will do, Also i will set up some cd signings for at the end of this month" He continued.

"Alright, sounds good" I nodded then went to the next interview and got home just before 9pm.

"hey, how did everything go" Mum smiled.

"Good but im leaving in 2 days to start promoting the album starting her and going to europe then the US and Canada Finishing with Mexico so i'll be gone just under 2 weeks" I replied.

"Wow, thats alot" Grand dad said.

"I know but i have to get it done" I smiled getting a plate of food and sat down to eat.

"We'll then lets enjoy the little bit of time we have left" Dad nodded giving me a hug.

I finished eating then went to sleep cause i have more interviews tomorrow.

Zayn's pov.

"That girl is all go all the time" Mum said.

"I know but she knows not to push herself" I replied believing in her.

"At least she got a week off" Perrie sighed.

"Yeah, no kidding" I laughed.

I hate seeing katie over tired and upset so i hope it doesnt happen again. I want her to enjoy her career.

Day of promoting.

"How are you feeling" Dad asked.

"Good, excited" I laughed.

I was sat in a seat and started talking about my album and my soon to be tour that will be world wide. I was so happy telling everyone about this and answering questions.

"Alright baby i love you, call everynight" Mum said as i was about to get on the bus on the way to Glasgow.

"I will, love you guys" I smiled hugging them then went to Luke.

'Love you" He sighed.

"Love you to" I smiled kissing him then got on the bus and left. This was going to be an long two weeks.

Justin sat down and started going over the tour he had planned so far.

"We start here in the uk witch will be 3 weeks then we go to Europe acouple days later and spend a month on tour then you can have acouple days off and we go to the U.S where you will have acouple more days then Spend a month on tour there and go to canada where you will be for another month and you get to have 10 days off so you can go back to London and see everyone then you fligh to Mexico and Brazil going a month on tour all together. I'm still working on the rest but all together this a 11 month tour with a month off all together when you go back to London" he said.

"Sounds good" I nodded.

"Alright, It starts Next month so you can be Here for Christmas and newyears then we leave the day after" He said.

"Alright, sounds good" I replied then went to sleep. It was going to be a busy tour and year.

Luke's pov.

I watched as Katie's bus pulled away then turned to my family.

"Lets go get something to eat" Mom smiled.

We went and ate dinner then headed home. I couldnt believe how busy katie is going to be and how much i will miss her but i will do anything for her no matter what. I will always be here and i know she will do the same for me.

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