Chapter 8

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Katie's pov.

"Katie wake up" Dad said sweetly.

"im up" I yawned.

I sat up and started curling my hair then did my make up and put on red highwaist skinny jeans with a white blouse and leopard print heels.

"I wanted to ask you something" Dad smiled.

"alright" I said questionably.

"I was able to get you 15 minutes performing before the boys if you want to open for us" He beamed happily.

"I cant do that...." I sighed. We pulled up to the arena and went inside.

"Just come check it out" He said leading me to the stage.

"I know you can do it but you just have to believe you can" He smiled.

"I'll do it" I nodded not santing to let him and mum down.

"Honey are you sure.... we dont want you doing this cause you feel like you have to" mum said.

"its alright, I can do it" I laughed.

"alright, we should get you practicing then" He nodded. He gave me my guitar and out a stool in the middle of the stage.

"What songs are you doing" mum asked.

"I'll with stay then go into titanium ending with fire starter" I replied,

"Sounds great and were your band" Josh smiled walking up.

"Lets give it a try" Dad nodded so I started playing.

"All along it was a fever, a cold sweat hot headed believer. I threw my hands in the air and said show me something........ he said if you dare come alittle closer" I sang till the end.

"that was great" Mum beamed.

"Whats going on" Louis asked walking on stage with the other boys.

"Katie is opening tonight" Dad beamed happily.

"Really thats awsome! Lets hear" Ashton saud as they all stood with dad and mum.

"You guys know titanium and fire starter" I askedand Josh nodded ashe began to play.

"You shout it out but I cant hear a word you say, im talking loud not saying much" I sang again then went on to the last song.

"thatwas great, everyone is going to love you" Liam smiled.

"thanks" I laughed.

"wanna play some football" Harry asked me.

"sure" I smiled sliding out of my heels.

After lunch every thing was getting busy with fans lining up outside even though the show wasnt for 5 hours.

"How do you feel" Luke asked sitting on the stage beside me.

"Nervous...... these are directioners and 5sos fans"I sighed.

"and soon they'll be your fans. Dont worry about it" He said.

"thanks" I smiled.

"Hey, what are you guys doing" Calum asked.

"Just talking"I laughed standing up.

"cool, are you ready for tonight" he smiled,

"yeah" I nodded as louis and dad came running out with paul not far behind.

"im going to sit in the bus for alittle bit" I sighed then left.

I walked In and Harry was there with Niall.

"hey love, what are you doing" Harry smiled.

"im freaking out" I paniced.

"Okay calm down, that concert isnt for awhile" Niall said sitting me down as harry gave me water.

"good, breath..... everything will be fine" He cooed.

"ugh, I shouldnt be doing the performing" I breathed.

"Katie you'll be fine" Niall smiled hugging me as mum, dad and louis came in.

"Whats doing on" dad asked kneeling infront of me.

"I think she was just scared, everythings fine" Niall said.

"Katie you dont have to do this" Louis said.

"I know" I sighed.

"come here... lets talk" Mum said leading me to the back of the bus with dad.

"Whats going on" they asked.

"im just scared to let you and dad down" I replied.

"Katie you can never let us down. We love you no matter what" Dad smiled hugging me.

"I love you guys" I said.

"we love you too" they laughed.

Niall's pov.

"is Katie okay, she looked bad when she left" Luke said.

"she fine, she talked with zayn and perrie, now shes having a nap" I replied.

"alright, I just wanted to check" He smiled.

"awe, you likeher dont you" I teased.

"" he huffed.

"its alright, I know you do" I laughed.

"Please dont tell zayn" He pleaded.

"im sure he already knows" I replied.

"oh great, hes not going to want me around her" He said.

"Yes he will, as long as you don't hurt Katie everything should be fine" I nodded. I could see how much Luke likes Katie and it was pretty cute.

"thanks bro" He smiled the went off. I wonder if Katie likes him back??.

Katie's pov.

I laid back stage tired from just waking up.

"how are you feeling" Luke asked coming into the dressing room.

"Tired" I laughed sitting up.

"I cant wait to see you perform. you'll do great" He smiled as Dad and Mum came in with drinks.

"mm, thank you" I said taking my tea from dad.

"welcome love, what were you guys up to" He asked.

"Talking, I just came in" luke replied earning a nod.

"30 minutes" a man said with a head phone on.

I drank my tea fast then went backstage.

"Your going to be great" Mum smiled kissing my forehead then I went onstage on my stool. I sat down and started playing as the lights slowly went back on.

"Allalong it was a fever" I sang as the croud went silant. I got more into it and so did the crowd. By the end of the third song I felt amazing.

"Great job" the guys beamed hugging me as 5sos went on.

"that was amazing" I laughed.

"you were great" Louis said giving me a high five.

I watchedtheboy perfore then dad and the others went onstage.

"I want that to be me" I said to mum.

"I know" She smiled.

"The show ended and we all loaded the buss for 2 days of driving. oh the fun.

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