Masculine Aries: likes to show off, does things to get a rise out of people, wants a lot of attention, wants to be admired & perceived as strong or brave, very independent, confident, perhaps cocky, argumentative, energetic, usually optimistic, impulsive, adventurous, competitive, must get their way or they turn into toddlers, can be overbearing, want to make people laugh but sometimes go about it the wrong way and it ends up at someone else's expense.
Masculine Taurus: likes to work in groups, relatively cooperative as long as they aren't being disrespected, even more stubborn than a regular Taurus, can be arrogant, likes to socialize and to be included in things, may have a very tight clique that they prefer not to let too many people into, probably doesn't have very many real hobbies but can be very creative.
Masculine Gemini: very talkative, likes to share ideas, has many friends but maybe one close one, can't comprehend emotions, amazingly funny because they're so witty and quick, can be extremely manipulative, jokes about everything and can be painfully inappropriate because of it, get bored super easily, often pretty optimistic people, change their mind at the drop of a pin.
Masculine Cancer: overbearing & domineering, clingy, goofy, enthusiastic, talk about wanting to have kids or own (more?) pets a lot, loses their shit when someone's mean to someone they care about, nurturing in a leader kind of way, very creative, like to read, easily annoyed, easily hurt and may have a bad habit of calling people out, can be intolerant, extremely supportive.
Masculine Leo: remarkably energetic, full of enthusiasm, bubbly, usually loyal, maintain a positive outlook, can be vain, can be either very generous or very selfish, need validation, need attention, like to be in charge even though they may not know how to lead, want to be independent but also want a lot of friends, always need something to do and somewhere to go or they get annoyed, want to be entertained and to entertain.
Masculine Virgo: extremely critical, neat, can be intolerant, considerate, can be bullies and can be unfriendly but usually polite, articulate, can think mechanically, have a hard time relating to other people, can be huge hypocrites, want to be understood, love to give and receive compliments, enjoy the sun, probably like to cook, usually consistent, careful, calculating, quick learners, love to learn, like to feel intellectually superior, down-to-earth, sarcastic and dry sense of humor, sassy. <YASS SASSY
Masculine Libra: charming, flirtatious, playful, apologize a lot, elegant, have a great appreciation for art, can be pretentious, always diffusing arguments whether they're theirs or not, considerate, diplomatic, sassy, try not to say controversial things, can be extremely superficial, hate discord, don't have very many strong feelings, don't understand any emotions other than compassion and lust, infatuated with romance, idealistic, care about justice.
Masculine Scorpio: private, distrustful, vengeful, super funny, domineering, love animals, friendly but need a lot of alone time, can be explosive, have very strong opinions and may start drama wherever they go because of it, voice their mind whenever they want, can be headstrong, love dark comedy (they basically embody it), artistic, intrusive, can be hypocritical.
Masculine Sagittarius: huge show-off, energetic, enthusiastic, joke around a lot, full of wanderlust, experimental, adventurous, reckless, can be insensitive, usually blunt, don't like to beat around the bush, love to explore, do things on a whim, can be hypocritical, can be bigoted, always want to be right, try to be open-minded, not often the judgmental type, scared of commitment (not only to a person but to ideas or lifestyles as well), desire freedom & knowledge.
Masculine Capricorn: conceited, sarcastic, often the "leader" of a project or group (and extremely good at it), incredibly intelligent, share their opinions in articulate ways, usually constructive individuals, can be controlling, may feel frustrated a lot, have impeccable self-control, know what they want and how to get it, probably look wealthier & more successful than they are, strong-willed, definitely somebody's "rock," steady, trustworthy, reliable, relentless.
Masculine Aquarius: rebellious, inventive, like to push people's buttons, social but reserved, flirtatious, very funny, imaginative, good-willed, have good intentions, try to be kind, can be idealistic, highly intelligent, have strong opinions, like to debate, like to come up with ideas, have trouble asking for help, hate feeling vulnerable, need lots of alone time, can be arrogant, can be very egotistical, dislike to admit when they're wrong.
Masculine Pisces: have many friends (because people adore them) but they may not feel particularly close to many of them, feel like they're not a part of this world, often feel like they're not achieving their full potential, wishful thinkers, can be either extremely pessimistic or optimistic, may be interested in more outgoing forms of art like acting but likely too shy or insecure to pursue them, funny as hell, probably cry a lot, big-hearted, poetic.
|| Zodiac ||
RandomThis book type thing is just a collection of things i found about the different zodiac signs. I really do hope you enjoy it ❀.•❤•.❀.•❤•.